The perfect popcorn....

Dayton, Ohio
August 15, 2016 9:17pm CST
As a bit of a foodie I am on the quest to make the perfect popcorn. One that is light, fluffy and crunchy, rather than heavy and chewy. Here is what I have learned: 1. For a good popcorn your starting product is key. If you buy the cheap grocery store popcorn with the mediocre kernels, you are going to get mediocre finished corn. That being said until I perfect the rest of the procedure that is what I am using. 2. Oil pop. I probably don't need to say this but you are going to get the best tasting popcorn from popping in oil. The kind of oil doesn’t seem to matter but I have not experimented with it much. Here's where I leave the (very tiny) list and move on to actual experience. First of all it was suggested I pop in butter. This sounds like a good idea. Butter flavor on every kernel. A nice thought but I didn't really detect any butter flavor at all. It was good but not buttery. Butter needs to go on at the end. Speaking a bit about butter before I move on. I do love the pure simple flavor of lightly salted, (heavily) buttered popcorn. It is nice sometimes though to mix it up a little bit. If you ad herbs or your favorite herb blend to the butter as you are melting it that can do wonders for your popcorn. Try garlic powder if you like garlic. Delicious. Salt. It was suggested to me to instead of salting the corn to put salt in the oil when popping and all the kernels will be salted. That didn't work either, until I thought about it for a while. Now when I make popcorn the first thing I do is put salt in the pan and add oil to it and let it dissolve a bit. This seems to work and I really don't have to salt the popcorn any more. So, what do you do special with your popcorn? Any hints or tips?
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4 responses
• Jacksonville, Florida
16 Aug 16
This was very informative. Thanks!
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• Dayton, Ohio
16 Aug 16
You're welcome, I hp[e that if you try any of that trhat you report back with your findings... ;)
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
16 Aug 16
I pop my popcorn to coconut oil. I really like the flavor that it gives to the popcorn.
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• Dayton, Ohio
16 Aug 16
Coconut oil? Hmmm, sounds expensive... ;) Worth it though if it is good. Does it taste at all like coconut though? Because no one in my family really likes that flavor......
@skysnap (20153)
16 Aug 16
I usually use the caramel at the top with popcorn and that works for me.
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@rina110383 (24495)
16 Aug 16
Thanks for sharing those useful popcorn tips!
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