I'm about to add an ad blocker....

Dayton, Ohio
August 23, 2016 11:34pm CST
Online ad's don't bother me mostly but I am thinking of getting an ad blocker because of those annoying ads that load and play music or start talking to you! What ads on the web bug you?
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3 responses
@libster (167)
• Richland, Washington
24 Aug 16
The ones that cover up the whole screen are the worst! I just want to read the page, but they get in the way! The ones that open a new tab are bad too.
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• Dayton, Ohio
25 Aug 16
I can live with the new tab ones but the page coverers are terrible. Especially on a phone!
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
24 Aug 16
I added a blocker some days ago as a shockwave froze my sites.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
24 Aug 16
@tallawah Me too. And when that happened several times, I decided it was the time for a blocker. Mylot will have to fix that and see what adds to have.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
24 Aug 16
That is so true and they are really annoying.
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