Does age really matter?

Aberystwyth, Wales
August 30, 2016 10:29am CST
So, i was thinking, late last night tossing and turning in bed, does age matter? In parenting, in relationships, in life in general? Yes! being a more mature parent, probably helps, more life experience an all that, but an 18 year old mother does not love her child less than say a 30 year old, they both do the same thing for their child, both get up early, both do the night feeds and both will go to the ends of the earth for their child, age does not change how much love you give, there is no measurement in Love, yes maybe waiting, getting a good job and preparing for a child will help, but not one loves their child more, now, relationships , will being with someone close to your age, keep that relationship going for longer, does a big age gap ran you live each other bless, sure it brings with it some possible paranoia and trust issues, maybe thinking, the younger of the two, will go out and find someone better looking and there own age,but does that mean a couple the same age, will last longer? Of course not, so I'm quite sure of myself on this one, NO, age does not matter, who agrees or disagrees?
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14 responses
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
30 Aug 16
Technically age does not matter at all. Whether it is love for a child or a partner. I have seen young women like yourself with men twice their age and totally in love with each other. Yes, with age comes wisdom and know how. I know I have been around a while myself. I have seen a lot. And that knowledge does help. But you're right, being a young mother or an older mother, it is all the same. The only downside to being young and having a child is that you yourself might feel slighted that you cannot go out and party like you are used to. Other than that, there is no difference at all.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
30 Aug 16
@Sallysweetxx Well, thank you very much for that. I appreciate that. You seem like a smart young woman. That is awesome.
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• Aberystwyth, Wales
30 Aug 16
Couldn't agree with you more, best reply yet ???????
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• New Delhi, India
30 Aug 16
Age doesn't matter, I belive it's a mind game
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• Aberystwyth, Wales
30 Aug 16
Agreed, just depends on you as a person I suppose, each to there own mind ??
• New Delhi, India
30 Aug 16
@Sallysweetxx yup my younger sister thing she is getting old but unfortunately I am getting younger day by day
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@CinnamonGrl (7083)
• Santa Fe, New Mexico
30 Aug 16
I think we have different gifts to give at various stages of our life, but they're all good. My daughter was born to me when I was still pretty young, it was like we lerned about life together, and that bonded us. I was more mature and knowledgeable when my son was born though, he benefited more from my wisdom. It's all good.
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• Mumbai, India
30 Aug 16
It does depend a lot on the person and situation, for example in some relationships one person maybe too young and immature. But overall, I personally think age is just a number.
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• Kolkata, India
30 Aug 16
Yes age does matter a lot because it brings with it a certain level of maturity and understanding that is highly required to play the varied roles of life in a more better way.It also makes a world of difference in the way how individuals perceive & look at life.
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• United States
31 Aug 16
I think different levels of development (physical, emotional, and brain development, etc.) come with different ages, but not maturity. Age doesn't all of sudden make some mature. I know plenty of people 40+ that are more immature than toddlers are.
• Muscat, Oman
30 Aug 16
I think age doesn't matter
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Aug 16
As as both of the parties are of legal age and were consenting adults then its okay.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Aug 16
I had my oldest daughter when I was 20 years old. Many people told me I was too young to have a baby but I am a good mother. =) As for relationships-I do think age matters to a certain extent. It has been proven that women mature faster than men. Therefore I chose an older man to marry-choosing someone much younger could have resulted on us not being on the same level with most important things.
@moffittjc (119224)
• Gainesville, Florida
30 Aug 16
I do not believe age matters at all. What matters is the bond you have with the person you are with, and the experiences you share together, and the life you build with each other. I am currently dating a girl who is 24 years younger than me, We have been together for almost 5 years, and we are still going strong, and still finding ways to fall in love with each other every day! Never once has our age difference gotten in the way of our relationship or the things we wanted to accomplish in life.
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@rina110383 (24495)
31 Aug 16
It does not matter be it in relationships or parenting.
• United States
31 Aug 16
I don't think it is okay for a minor 13 or 14 to be romantically involved with a 40 or 50 year old. To me that is the only time age matters. As long as both parties are of legal age and willing then I don't see anything wrong with it. I have no problem with someone 18 being with someone a lot older. I also agree with the mother thing. No matter our age we know what love is just sometimes we aren't emotionally ready like at 13 or 14 to be involved in the romantic kind of love with someone so much older than them.
• Philippines
31 Aug 16
Age matter in areas that it matter. In a man and woman relationship, I don't think age matters. I have seen a lot where one is ahead by 10 or more years yet they are doing well. I have seen also people who are of the same age but doesn't do well. It depends I guess on areas where age really matters so much like legal ages. As you turn from left to right on your bed, probably you have someone that you are thinking. Probably, he is older or younger than you. May you find peace..
@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
30 Aug 16
no...age doesn't matter. This is really the personal choice of the individual. People just talk and judge because its easy and they have nothing better to do with their time.
• Oradea, Romania
30 Aug 16
Well I agree with you.
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