Online job that requires you to upload your photos

September 1, 2016 2:51am CST
I got this offer from a friend's outsourcing group. They say they need a VA which task mainly on FB and requires to work late ate night. Since I usually sleeps at around 1 to 2 in the morning I accepted the offer. To my dismay they require me to create an Fb account using a different name but with my real photos. I dont mind creating FB with a different name what I do not like is to use my photos. I do not post my photos online and in public viewers. I upload photos with groups and for friends only. I do not know if you encounter this job offer but I do stop at the very moment they ask for my photos and to think that I do not have access on the FB I created anymore since they changed the password and will not even share it to me.
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6 responses
@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
1 Sep 16
That is a weird thing to do.. Hmmm.. That makes me think there is something fishy on that site.
2 people like this
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
On second thought my friend is working for them but I do really dont like posting my pics online
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@lealuvy2j (1986)
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
Sounds like a scam to me. Or maybe it is a identity theft company so we really have to be careful. Why on earth would they use photos from a person and use a different name?! It really sound like identity theft to me.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 16
I also suspected it to be a scam or an identity theft
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
I guess this will be a big lesson for you. If I am in your position, I am not going to do it.
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
True @Shavkat I am not going for it
@skysnap (20153)
1 Sep 16
I never came across any such job.
• Philippines
2 Sep 16
maybe they are trying to test me if i am that desperate to earn extra. too bad i already told them i am not interested
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
1 Sep 16
That's sounding fake do not post your photos it may be harmful for you.
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
Yes @amnabas thank you. That is also one of the reason why I hesitated to continue working on them
@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
So what had happened, did you accept the job offer and upload your photo?
• Philippines
1 Sep 16
nope I do not accept it. I really need extra income theses days but I wont fall for it.