Looking at MyLot with one eye.

Perth, Australia
September 5, 2016 12:03pm CST
1am. I've been on MyLot a lot today and satisfied with how much I've done but will have to stop for now. So sleepy! Literally slouching down in bed looking at this with one eye open. I'm pretty sure that's a huge sign that I should go to sleep! Hope everyone has a good day / night and a good time MyLotting! Will see you all tomorrow or....later today actually! GOOD NIGHT! And goodnight DJ!
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14 responses
• Kolkata, India
5 Sep 16
I am sure that now you are looking at mylot with both eyes closed !!!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 16
@arintellect007 LOL! An impossibility she seemed to achieve and a second time at that.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@arintellect007 @Daljinder I did close my eyes a few times while looking at the screen but sadly enough couldn't see what you guys were up to!
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 Nothing much happened! lol I started to reply to all the notifications that I have skipped over which also included from you. Then I had to catch up on two posts of mine that are left unattended by me for long. But I got distracted by Lily!
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 16
Goodnight Dani, hope to see you tomorrow.
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@jaboUK (64355)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 16
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@jaboUK You sure will cause here I am!
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@moffittjc (120986)
• Gainesville, Florida
6 Sep 16
For some reason, when you said you were myLotting with one eye open, it made me think of the Metallica song "Enter Sandman." "Tuck you in, warm within Keep you free from sin Till the Sandman he comes Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit: light Enter: night Take my hand We're off to never never land" Hope you had lots of sweet dreams in never, never land!
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@moffittjc (120986)
• Gainesville, Florida
7 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 You didn't dream about me? lol
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• Perth, Australia
7 Sep 16
@moffittjc lol nope. Haven't for awhile. I dreamed about DJ last night though. Her and I were talking on the phone but don't remember what we were talking about. Just remember laughing.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@moffittjc oh I like that song! I can't remember what I dreamed about actually. Probably something stupid. And thank you.
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
6 Sep 16
Have a good night pretty girl sweet dream, I am also very sleepy now almost 19 pm here.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Sep 16
@cacay1 aw thank you very much! Hope you got a good sleep!
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• Otis Orchards, Washington
5 Sep 16
Hope you have a good night's sleep. Here it's 10 o'clock in the morning.
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• Otis Orchards, Washington
6 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 No, I normally don't go to bed until around 1 a.m. or so. Since I worked a swing shift for a good deal of my life I'm used to going to bed at that time. I'm usually up by 8 a.m. About all I seem to be able to get is 7 hours of sleep. If I go to bed at 9 p.m. I'm usually awake at 4 a.m. And I usually sleep straight through. No waking up or getting up in the middle of the night. If I do have to get up it's usually because I'm not feeling well.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@RichardMeister Thank you! And now it's getting close to your bed time....not that I know what time that is exactly lol but I know it's 9 something there at night now.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 16
Nighty night ! lol I will be watching more horror games video at this time. I never learn !
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@Daljinder oh no! Did you?
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• Perth, Australia
9 Sep 16
@Daljinder ah okie! lol yeah you know me too well petals! Is this the Nicki Minaj one? *shivers* I haven't seen it but I can imagine the looks given haha HAHA!!!!!!!! I love the creepy ones because his looks and comments crap me up so much! Well...we are normal fans right DJ?
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
6 Sep 16
@VivaLaDani13 uh..... if you are talking about the gmail I shared with ya then no I wasn't talking about that. I already told you to use it for experience and that includes using its features.lol. Although I know you wouldn't. You have a thing like that. I was just telling you that I have my own main ID that I use and has subscribed from there. I get email notifications there. Since you don;t have yours, that means you won't do that (even though I gave you access) You must watch Anaconda one. LOL! Regarding Daz, jeez most of the snaps were from weird creepy fans. lol I second Daz's statement about the restraining order. haha! At one point he was saying.........gosh! Don't I have any normal fan out there?
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Sep 16
Good night DANI. Sweet dreams!
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@clrumfelt Thank you! I can't remember what I dreamed yet. Well I guess it's better to forget a good dream if I had one than to remember a bad dream.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Sep 16
I hope you get a good night's rest. Sounds like you need it! =)
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@LovingMyBabies Thank you very much and yeah I did but wide awake right now!
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@skysnap (20153)
5 Sep 16
go to sleep lol. it must be late over there.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@skysnap It sure was! Had a nice sleep!
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@marlina (154131)
• Canada
5 Sep 16
Good morning now, it's time to get up.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@marlina HAHA good morning!
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
5 Sep 16
Does myLot look better or worse if you look at it with one eye?
2 people like this
• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@MALUSE Only looks half as good.
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@rina110383 (24494)
5 Sep 16
I hope you were able to sleep soundly last night.
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@rina110383 I sure did thank you. Fell asleep pretty quick too lol
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• Dhaka, Bangladesh
6 Sep 16
good night
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
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• United States
5 Sep 16
Goodnight Dani. It's almost 1 pm here. What time did you finally fall asleep?
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• Perth, Australia
6 Sep 16
@shipperob Not long after I left here. Maybe 1:30am ish. Was actually pretty quick for me. I was very sleepy.
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