There Is Always the First Time!

Cebu, Philippines
September 7, 2016 11:58am CST
Hi Everyone! I am a newbie here at mylot. Just signed up a few hours ago and hoping to gain new friends here. This is my ever first post and looking forward to have more! Are there newbies here aside from me? ???
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15 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
7 Sep 16
I have been here three weeks and I am already addicted. This is a great place to be. The people are very friendly and there are a lot of really interesting discussions going on. Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
3 people like this
• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you and i am looking forward for new interesting things here! :)
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@EMbakes (1142)
• Philippines
7 Sep 16
Welcome to Mylot! I no longer consider myself a newbie since I was an active member before, but I created a new account; therefore, it seemed like I'm already considered as one. Mylot is a perfect venue to interact with people. I hope you'll have fun posting!! Good luck!
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@EMbakes (1142)
• Philippines
8 Sep 16
@me2selah Welcome!
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you very much for the warm welcome!
3 people like this
• Fujian, China
8 Sep 16
I am a newcomer, in this website, but this website is really nice.Everyone was very friendly, and happy to answer your questions.Activity is very active in here.I hope you can enjoy it all.
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
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@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
8 Sep 16
Welcome to myLot! Do not be too addicted in here ok? haha! There is no myLot rehab yet established. .
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Hahahah Actually I am starting to get addicted! Thank you for the warm welcome!
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@akalinus (41635)
• United States
7 Sep 16
Welcome to myLot. You make friends by responding to posts that interest you and by posting your own discussions. We get paid when someone interacts with us. Jump in, have fun and obey the rules. You will do fine.
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you for the tips! See you around!
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@akalinus (41635)
• United States
8 Sep 16
@me2selah You are welcome. I will be here.
1 person likes this
• Angeles City, Philippines
8 Sep 16
I'm a newbie here... Welcome to MyLot!
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
2 people like this
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Sep 16
Welcome to mylot "kabayan" ( countryman), I hope you enjoy your stay
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
7 Sep 16
Welcome to Mylot and enjoy it/.
1 person likes this
• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
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@Weng0909 (342)
• Philippines
8 Sep 16
Welcome to mylot. Just enjoy and make some friends
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thanks a lot!
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
9 Sep 16
Beautiful name.
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Sep 16
Welcome aboard the family.
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
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@rina110383 (24495)
8 Sep 16
Hi! If you haven't read the guidelines of the site, please find time to check and read the link below. It will orient you with the site. Have a good day and Welcome to myLot!
Have questions about myLot? Help is here!
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you for the link!
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@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
7 Sep 16
Welcome to mylot! Hope to see you around here more. There are new people joining in everyday here. I have myself been here for just a month.
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you very much!
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@Tiah101 (206)
7 Sep 16
Welcome to mylot.
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• Cebu, Philippines
8 Sep 16
Thank you!
2 people like this
@puroypoi (272)
• Cainta, Philippines
8 Sep 16
You are officially a mylotter now. Welcome here!