Is searching for online income is one of the addition ?

Mumbai, India
September 8, 2016 2:57pm CST
There are so many blogs ,sites available for part time , work from home . online data entry etc.& when I see so many people applying requesting for these jobs, trying to enquire about it I feel it is more like an addiction then a real need for the job. Because there is no easy money as such.
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5 responses
@akalinus (41635)
• United States
8 Sep 16
People are trying to find something that pays. And yeah, most of us need the money.
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@meowch (2220)
• United States
8 Sep 16
I don't see it as an addiction it's more of finding our options. There is no easy money everything seems to be requiring hard work and some effort. But it is worth it earning online rather not having money at all.
• Mumbai, India
10 Sep 16
yeh but do you think one can really earn decent money out of that ...
@nattyweb (169)
• Ibadan, Nigeria
9 Sep 16
Yes through searching you can get genuine information and turn it into money. That is my passion.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
8 Sep 16
You may be right. Some people should go out and look for real life jobs.
@spiderdust (14740)
• San Jose, California
8 Sep 16
Trying to earn income online is an addiction and not a legitimate need for money? Then why are you here?