How do I get followers?

Lincoln, Nebraska
September 17, 2016 7:47pm CST
What is the best way to get followers here on myLot? Is it by revealing your beliefs and interests? Is it by following others? Liking their posts? Is it by making multiple discussion posts? Or is it something else entirely? Let me know what has been the best way for you to get more followers. Thank you for your input.
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11 responses
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Sep 16
I think I could only answer for myself. I don't follow those who follow me right away or those who have liked my post or responded to it immediately. But I follow those that I have great interaction action with and it takes awhile for me to find out if the person's account is worth following or not.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
Thanks for your input. Great interaction is important on a social network type platform such as this.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Sep 16
@KeithPStieneke Besides it doesn't matter how many people are following you. What matters is how many people are interacting with your post.
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• Jacksonville, Florida
18 Sep 16
Best way is to comment on other's posts. Those who are interested in what your write, will want to follow you. I have been here one month now, and I only have 28 followers. So I don't know if that is good or bad. But to me... It is more about interacting with the members, than just getting followers.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
18 Sep 16
It doesn't matter how many followers you have. What matters is that how many of them interacts with you. I have so many followers but I could only count a few who interacts in my post. A lot of people who interacts with me doesn't even follow me.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
I try to comment on any post that interests me. If the subject matter is totally outside of my interests or my beliefs I highly doubt that I will join in the discussion.
• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
@toniganzon I totally agree with this!
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@MattMeng (3444)
• Hangzhou, China
18 Sep 16
You could follow them first, and they would follow later.
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@MattMeng (3444)
• Hangzhou, China
18 Sep 16
@KeithPStieneke That's nice, now I'll follow, my friend.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
@MattMeng Thank you.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
That is one method that I have been using. It's something that I initially did at Facebook.
@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
18 Sep 16
What I do is comment on other's discussions. Most people will reciprocate by reading your discussion and commenting back. The more you interact with others, the more followers you will eventually have. Sometimes if you follow someone first, they will also follow you. But some people, like myself, will wait and see if you interact before following you. I hope this makes sense.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
20 Sep 16
@KeithPStieneke It can be hard to do but once you get the hang of it, it requires less time.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
I always am going to try to comment back. Unfortunately sometime my time is limited with other online activities so i don't get a chance to.
• Lincoln, Nebraska
20 Sep 16
@simone10 Thank you for the words of encouragement.
@noni1959 (10055)
• United States
18 Sep 16
Follow and interact. Don't just like posts, comment/respond with meaningful responses and not something generic just to be saying something. I had a follower who always responded the same to everyone ("have a lovely day") no matter what the post was. Don't do that.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
Yes, responding the same way to everyone is both irritating and annoying. Plus it means that you aren't paying attention to what they are saying.
@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
18 Sep 16
all of the above. well, it depends on you. but i think it does not sum up to having more to read your discussions if you have more or few followers; as long as you interact, you will have many to check on your discussions
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@ridingbet (66854)
• Philippines
18 Sep 16
@KeithPStieneke right, i agree with that. by the way, why don't you edit your tags by putting commas between the 4 words?
• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
Thank you. Interaction seems to be the big theme here. Therefore maybe it is better at times to have fewer discussions that you have posted in order to keep up with the communication.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 16
With active participation in mylot and sharing interesting topics will magnetize followers.
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@nonersays (3335)
• United States
18 Sep 16
I think its kind of all of the above. What about what interests you. Read and comment on posts that interest you. Follow people that interest you. And the same will happen in return. If you comment on a post that interest you and they visit you you have a similar post that interests them, they might follow you.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
Thank you. What you have said makes perfect sense.
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@akalinus (43032)
• United States
18 Sep 16
I just followed you because you followed me. I looked at your profile and see that we have common interests and I like what I see. It is best to try to get followers that are going to stick around for a while instead of following a bunch of people and disappearing.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
I agree with you one hundred percent.
@Rohvannyn (3098)
• United States
18 Sep 16
I'm not the greatest at getting followers, but the ones I've gotten have been from two things. One, some come because you've written interesting things. Two, some come because you've written really thoughtful posts. Doing both, and commenting more than you post, is the key.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
18 Sep 16
Thanks again for your input. It is greatly appreciated and I will put your advice into practice.
• United States
19 Sep 16
I'm new here too. I think eventually you and I will find our niche. You will gravitate toward like minded people and they will gravitate toward you.
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• Lincoln, Nebraska
20 Sep 16
Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.