What are the best ways to deal with toddlers in their terrible 2's or 3's?

September 19, 2016 9:55am CST
I love my nephews and nieces but they are driving everyone else crazy!!! They say that it is all because of the terrible 2's 3's stage where they develop their legs, their confidence and swinging arms. Along with this, they also developed a knack for screaming and driving everyone nuts. I'm not yet a mother so can anyone tell me how to deal? Are there any good books/suggestions about the topic or real life experience? Please do let me know about it.
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1 response
@Chellezhere (5626)
• United States
19 Sep 16
If it is late in the day and you are tempted to ask, "isn't it past their bedtimes," remember that it is actually way past yours. In other words, if you can't handle it when a toddler acts his age, you are the one who needs a time out or a nap.
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• Philippines
20 Sep 16
Thanks! That's a hilarious way of putting it and I see the punch line. However, I was also hoping to find out specific things like...If a toddler has tantrums...Is it better to just let them do so until they tire out or should you give them treats to let them stop etc... Again I am not a parent but rather, an aunt who gets asked to help out from time to time when the parents need to do errands. However, thanks for the reply.