The terrorism issue

Bangalore, India
September 19, 2016 11:10am CST
17 Indian soldiers were laid to eternal rest owing to a terror attack from a neighboring country. Everyone knows what is happening, but we're all living in denial, limiting our actions to talks and debates. I hope there's a definite way to end terrorism once and for all!
1 response
• Malmo, Sweden
19 Sep 16
You hope there's a definite way to end terrorism but you can't think out one yourself? Why don't you pray to god while you're at it. You say everyone is living in denial, so you are you then. 17 people dieing is nothing really tbh considering alot of other terrorist attacks involve over 100 people.
• Bangalore, India
20 Sep 16
Firstly, it was an intense attack, and each life is precious. Secondly, we all have solutions for terrorism as common people, but none of them could be executed on an international level. I'm speaking about powerful people living in denial when they actually could do something about it. And yeah, prayers go out everyday.