What is the most romantic thing your partner has done for you?

@sammyy (527)
September 22, 2016 2:14am CST
I'm still unmarried and single currently, but every movie I watch or every song I listen to makes me wonder how my future partner would be. I can't help but try and imagine how sweet or romantic it would be to belong to someone. Something that makes you feel complete. Things you would feel like doing for them just to see their smile, like gift a flower, invite for a dance, write a tiny love note and leave it around for them to find, cook their favourite meal or anything that sort. What is the most romantic thing your partner has done for you? Or is there something you have planned to do for your partner? Anything you would like to share...
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10 responses
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
Singing me to sleep?
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
@sammyy Though his singing is passable. lol
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@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
@sol_cee lol... at least he tries... effort matters...
@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
Aww.. That's so cute
@saulgoodman (2643)
• Dundee, Scotland
28 Sep 16
Salam Well where do I begin in order to answer this post. Having been together 18 years it really is hard to pinpoint one particular thing which was more romantic than other things. We are very very much in love and our love grows stronger every single day. Every single day has it's wee romantic moments. She tells me she loves me every day. When I go out on my motorbike she reminds me to stay safe. Birthdays. Christmas. Always romantic. One thing does stand out. One day she asked me to pack a suitcase. I asked why. She had booked us a weekend in Amsterdam. Kept it a secret. I think I am quite romantic as well. Got moreso as I have got older. It is a wonderful feeling belonging - I can't think of a better word at the moment. Wait. It's a wonderful feeling being part of a relationship like we have as we have both worked quite hard at it. Life isn't always a bed of roses though and like everyone else we have had a few downs as well as a lot of ups. We never ever go to sleep with any negativity so the new day starts on a positive note. And that my friend is romance at its greatest. Your time will come. You will find that which you seek because you will be sought out by a person with the same ideals and goals.
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@sammyy (527)
• India
29 Sep 16
Walaikumsalaam dear friend, this is the best response to my post... I must say! Not all men are so expressive and acknowledging about their partners! Your woman is quite lucky You both make one another complete... May you both be blessed with lots of love and happiness for many more years to come... Yes, I too hope my time comes at the right time...
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@sammyy (527)
• India
29 Sep 16
@saulgoodman that is so sweet! Thank you
• Dundee, Scotland
29 Sep 16
@sammyy I am a very fortunate man. My wife deserves all the praise I can give her. My Soulmate and best friend as well as wife. Took me till I was 36 years old to find her. Time is on your side. When you meet someone special that person will be fortunate also.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
he bought me a shower head sprinkler and fix it himself. i didn't expect that and he knew that i dont like flowers and chocolates kind of stuff.
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@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
nice!!! that's so thoughtful of him
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
25 Sep 16
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Sep 16
also that was just one of the hundreds romantic things he did for me
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@sammyy (527)
• India
25 Sep 16
The beginning of a beautiful life..
• India
25 Sep 16
not yet so crazy
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@sammyy (527)
• India
26 Sep 16
lol... good one...
1 person likes this
• India
26 Sep 16
@sammyy welcome
@Pass12 (998)
22 Sep 16
On my birthday, he decorated his friend's house and invited me. He decorated some candles on the entrance :) He filled the room with balloons and drew hearts with paper on the wall ::) that was such an amazing feeling and it was all a surprise for me. I didn't even imagine something like this!
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@Pass12 (998)
22 Sep 16
@sammyy yeah such gestures can make anyone happy :)
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@sammyy (527)
• India
23 Sep 16
@Pass12 yes, for sure...
@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
My goodness! That's soo romantic and beautiful
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Sep 16
widowed now but when he proposed it was Christmas day and my ring was the gift i opened
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@sammyy (527)
• India
25 Sep 16
Aww... So cute! His love remains with you forever..
@sofssu (23662)
22 Sep 16
So many things... Like tell the boys to fend for themselves and take me out on valentines day..
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@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
Nice... That's so thoughtful of him..
• India
22 Sep 16
he brushed my teeth !
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@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
Omg... He is so caring! Niceee
@EMbakes (1142)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
I don't expect something grand from my partner. His presence is all that matters to me, but there's this one time, we're still not yet lovers, he surprised me on Valentine's day. I was taking an exam when our chef called my attention. I got really nervous because I thought that she's going to scold me. Later did I know, my boyfriend is waiting for me outside holding a bouquet flowers and chocolates. It's the little things that matters to me. I hope you'll find the right guy soon.
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@sammyy (527)
• India
22 Sep 16
wow.....that's soo sweet of him!!! and thank you, I hope too...
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