Plans for Halloween

@Vakshu (63)
September 22, 2016 5:02am CST
Halloween is upcoming.. share your ideas and tips for perfect Halloween.. kids in my apartment are very much excited about it and already started making plans for the party...
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6 responses
• Hangzhou, China
26 Sep 16
I'm going to throw a fancy dress costume party .Like these
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
26 Sep 16
@crafty01 (480)
• Jamshedpur, India
22 Sep 16
We don't celebrate Halloween in India, butI have to say cute kids look more sweet in ghost costume and head dress. Thats my perception about Halloween based on the Hollywood movies I saw.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
23 Sep 16
Only thing I plan to do is hand out candy to trick or treaters. maybe go tot he Halloween parade if it isn't to cold out.
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
It is not common to have holloween party here. However, the local people are preparing to visit their ancestors.
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
We don't have a lot of tradition of halloween here in portugal
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@parpande (1515)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@Vakshu Is it so very popular in kids that they plan for Halloween , I thought its common in the US or some other countries.Are these kids going to play ghost prank that day or would they be voluteering Scary dark house?
@Vakshu (63)
• India
22 Sep 16
@parpande .. They will be dressed like spirits and play with each other..distribute chocolates.. collects money from elders for having fun
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@parpande (1515)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@Vakshu That would really be a fun activity ...also there is a prank show it's hosted by kids called walk the prank where children haunt people around them.
@Vakshu (63)
• India
22 Sep 16
@parpande This has come in to practice by USA returned kids... may be they dono the complete back ground about it... But yes.. it will be lot of fun
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