eye color

September 22, 2016 11:29am CST
what is yours eye color? mine as you can see is something between green to blue... do you like your eye color? A lot of people do not like their eye color... If you could choose your eye color which color do you choose? I was choose a combine gray with green color it is amazing! so what about you?
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12 responses
@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
13 Oct 16
Mine's just black... I hope it would have been a lighter one. Oh well... blame it on the genes!
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@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
13 Oct 16
@teenspirit I wonder if he wants another color aside from it... lol
• Israel
13 Oct 16
my brother have black eyes
@rina110383 (24495)
23 Sep 16
I have black eyes and I love it.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
22 Sep 16
Mine are green with yellow sparks @teenspirit . I get a lot of compliments on them. If I went to a different color it would be lavender like the old time actress Liz Taylor.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
23 Sep 16
@teenspirit Maybe that's why I have 16 cats. Something in common.
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
23 Sep 16
@Corbin5 You should see what those sparks do when I get angry. Nobody would mess with us. LOL
• Israel
22 Sep 16
omg!! It is sounds perfect! my sister eyes are green with orange sparks..they looks more like cat eyes but I love them:) yours sounsds amazing!!!!!!
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@Pass12 (998)
22 Sep 16
Mine I between black and brown :p and I love green eyes.
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• Israel
22 Sep 16
and all the people who got green eyes prefer brown..such a world!
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@Pass12 (998)
22 Sep 16
@teenspirit right :)
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@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
Mine is Brown. I used to wear gray lenses in college...until i realized that brown eyes had a warmer and deeper feel to them.
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• Israel
22 Sep 16
Thats right! my sister have brown eyes too...she looks smarter:)
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@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@charlie09 Everyone but you seems to be able to measure it. Not my problem you are unobservant.
@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@charlie09 like i said...unobservant.
@Ruchitha (131)
• Bangalore, India
13 Oct 16
I have black eyes and i love them.Kajal enhances the beauty of my eyes. i use to get many compliments for my eyes.
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• Israel
13 Oct 16
thats grate=)
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
11 Oct 16
Something is fishy here. Either you're not from South Asia or this is not your eye. As far as I know, Asians don't have green-blue eyes.
• Israel
13 Oct 16
I am from Israel and this is my eye color...half of our family have a green-blue eyes ...its because my grandma have this colour ...
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
13 Oct 16
@teenspirit You've written on your account page "I am a girl from South Asia". Since when is Israel located in South Asia?
• Israel
13 Oct 16
@MALUSE if you ask me yes...i am not a big claver in geographi but i think it is...in your opinion where is Israel located?
@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
22 Sep 16
Mine is black. I love all eye colors!
• Israel
23 Sep 16
Thats perfect! no claims!
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
22 Sep 16
I have medium blue eyes. I get lots of compliments on them. I think if I could choose I would have green eyes.
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• Israel
22 Sep 16
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
22 Sep 16
Mine are la greenish/grey shade. I particularly like brown eyes. My daughters inherited their father's brown eyes.
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• Israel
22 Sep 16
well...If not you at least your daughters got the eyes color you love at most:)
@XinfulThotz (4140)
• Singapore, Singapore
22 Sep 16
I have dark brown eyes. I am okay with them. But grey or green eyes may suit me too
• Israel
22 Sep 16
dark brown It is so cool!
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@Vakshu (63)
• India
22 Sep 16
mine is black.. I too wish grayish green... love to have it.. not sure if it will suit my skin color :)
• Israel
22 Sep 16
yes...sometimes the color beautyful but do not suit for the person look...;)