What do you look for in a partner?

Exeter, England
September 23, 2016 12:08pm CST
I've always been curious about what men look for in a women when they try and find an ideal partner and what other women want to see in a man. Please help me out.
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6 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
23 Sep 16
For me honesty and trust are very important but of course that takes time to find out sometimes. I am engaged and when I met my fiance what I liked about him was the he was easy to talk to. It was as though we had known each other all of our lives even though we had just met. We have great communication between us. We can talk about anything. We can be ourselves with each other. He has an awesome sense of humor so we spend a lot of time laughing. We have a great time together. He is adventurous and fun so life is never dull. He is a hardworker and he is very supportive.
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@7864aru (170)
• Pune, India
23 Sep 16
3 main thing. love , understanding, care, 2 subtle thing - trust & loyalty. For me most important is how he look at my viewpoint? Does he value it or not. That's really matter to me.
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• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
23 Sep 16
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• United States
24 Sep 16
Someone who is honest, trustworthy, and loyal. Someone who can communicate well is also important.
• Manila, Philippines
25 Sep 16
Id like to find a guy that will accept my flaws and can handle my short temper and understands me.
• Pune, India
23 Sep 16
I feel goods looks are just a part of temporary attraction. But in real sense the individuals maturity, ability to handle tough situations, love, care, affection.Also in addition to this, men love Bubbly girls and Women love strong and gentle men.
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