Why people cheat? what possible reasons do you feel? Do you think in any case at all it is a right thing to do???

Pune, India
September 23, 2016 2:35pm CST
Have you ever wondered.. why people cheat?? Husbands, BFs cheating their wives or gfs o vice versa. Friends cheating on friends blah.. blah. Its so simple. people lose interest in each other over time... Due to misunderstanding, lack of spark in relationship or what so ever. But is it right to cheat? For instance, after being fed up with her bf, a girl chose to see some one else without intimidating her bf about it. I feel it is wrong to cheat on anyone. Its better to clear that you no longer feel things will work out so lets move on with life or lets give it another chance. Isnt it simple to say than cheating on your better half? WhAt Do YoU FeEl GuYs..
1 response
• Trinidad And Tobago
30 Sep 16
People want to have their cake and eat it too. Why not leave if it no longer upbuilds you? Some people appear to enjoy the adventure.
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• Pune, India
4 Oct 16
Ya right. But don't you think it will be moral to just tell that person that you no longer think relation will work and that you want to break all the ties. Why cheat behind back? I get it that there might be a different thrill in eating cake secretly from the fridge at night when all are sleeping. But life is not that simple. Is it?