Kids - sooooooooo sweet

@Vakshu (63)
September 24, 2016 8:53am CST
Kids are always super sweet... they have simple solution for all problem.. Today my small little nephew while playing with me.. told he wants to do college with me... Then I told.. I will be too old when he enters college... For that he suggested me not to grow until he attains college age... I was surprised by his response.. Even then I told.. its not possible and I will be older as year passes... He totally made me awestruck by a sweet idea... he told.. " why not possible.. just don't celebrate your birthdays until I grow up as you.. then we both will be same" .... Is nt that sweet? I was completely overwhelmed. I wish I could :P
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3 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
24 Sep 16
Awwww that is so cute. Kids always have it all figured out. You never know what they will say.
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@Loverabbit (3401)
• Karachi, Pakistan
24 Sep 16
Lol yea that was cute simply awestrucked me.....all thumbs up sometimes its really amazing when you talk with kids and get shattered from their innocence
@DanKannel (1063)
• Brazil
24 Sep 16
hahahah here in Brasil kids think the same way... i remember once... one of my niese said "u don´t spend a lot time whith me because i´m a kid... why u dont get in freezer and wait until I grow"