Stage fear

Pune, India
October 4, 2016 1:17am CST
No matter what, I tried all internet fundas to overcome stage fear but it didn't effect me. I still get chills while talking in public. Like the other day, I had to give presentation in class I had prepared so nicely, but all I could do was read all the slides hurriedly as I had forgotten the entire concept the moment I came on stage. What should I do? Your suggestion might help.
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1 response
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
4 Oct 16
I use to have class presentations and I was sooooo nervous you can hear it in my voice I sounded so shaky. I think you should get a few friends and family members and have them sit and watch you present your presentation. This is great practice and I believe this might help you overcome stage fright.
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• Pune, India
4 Oct 16
Thanks. I will do that.