My Friend From Mylot..!!

By A A
October 7, 2016 12:22am CST
okay! so let's start. the first day, i joined mylot and posted an article, there was a comment from this person from pune, who later on became my friend. Next, we chatted on mylot and then he referred me to some other forum which was waste and we then continued on hangout. It happened to whatsapp and facebook.. He's avinash, a married person and i had this thinking that once a guy is married, it's difficult for him to maintain a friendship with others. But, hats off to him, he has maintained the friendship with me and i ask him to call me to tell him all what's happening inside and outside of my life!! Though i generally listen, but with him I feel, I am a little kid or teenager talking to her bestie.. I feel happy and moreover it's because of him i have gone transformed psychologically!! Earlier, i used to hate marriages and the arrange arrange was nothing I could think of!! As he knew a bit and tit of astrology and i could ask him openly what i wanted to ask without the thought of being judged, I am now able to accept the concept of marriage and that too i am excited for my hubby!! I have stopped complaining about life and i feel someone's there to listen to me and guide me. Thankyou AvinashJi p.s. i can say you easily that you're ignoring me without the thought of ignoring my complaint.. haha!!
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7 responses
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
7 Oct 16
You are lucky to find a real good friend here in mylot..
3 people like this
• India
7 Oct 16
yes, and for whom i have changed positively and that change was genuine and not forced on me.. like naturally my mentality changed..!!
3 people like this
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
7 Oct 16
@anya12adwi That's good.. you really found a very good friend in him...
1 person likes this
• India
7 Oct 16
@magallon hope our friendship lives long!
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
7 Oct 16
I am happy for you because you have found a true and good friend here in myLot .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
7 Oct 16
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• India
7 Oct 16
1 person likes this
• India
7 Oct 16
yes, and we think if we had been in the same city, we would have killed each other literally!!
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• Preston, England
4 Oct 17
great friendship to have developed
1 person likes this
• Preston, England
8 Oct 17
@anya12adwi I have indeed, so many great people are on Mylot
• India
7 Oct 17
hope you would have found out here some good long lasting friends
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
8 Oct 16
Congrats to get Avinash as friend from MyLotting. He regularly updating with Bollywood and cricket here.
1 person likes this
• India
12 Oct 16
haha!! he's a great mad for movies!! and for cricket also!! and sends me the songs that i ask him for
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@Shiva49 (26383)
• Singapore
8 Oct 16
Good that you have found a good friend - a friend in need is a friend indeed. I have few real friends now as each is busy with their own family and career. I open up with common issues but most I feel tend to bottle up. We see what we want to see in this world. There is always hope with positive attitude - there is room at the top all the time - siva
1 person likes this
• India
12 Oct 16
yes.. true!! we see what we see.. life's course is that!! thankyou sir for your wishes..
1 person likes this
• Agra, India
7 Oct 16
Its always good to find true friends
3 people like this
• India
7 Oct 16
yeah doc!! its good to have frieends
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@zap_81 (1019)
7 Oct 16
great . All the best.
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• India
7 Oct 16