best earning forum site

@alvin06 (213)
October 16, 2016 10:11am CST
For more than eighty percent of peoples like forumcoin because of its leniency there is no hard rule for anything like other mostly forum sites. Is anyone know forum sites like FC.
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3 responses
@Amel94 (1741)
• Serbia
16 Oct 16
I have a account on forum coin but I did not earned anything there by now. I did not visited it for a long time, I will do it now. Do you earn good with forumcoin? By the way, Postloop is very good but there are very hard rules there.
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@alvin06 (213)
16 Oct 16
@ivyparkgirl, you are right postloop is going to close and I think TFw is also sinking.
@alvin06 (213)
16 Oct 16
@Amel94 yeah, I am earning from FC, but its not enough for living.
@skysnap (20153)
16 Oct 16
Try that site has earned me good. I'd definitely recommend them. it's a bit slow but good site none theless.
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@alvin06 (213)
16 Oct 16
@skysnap I am already on it my friend but I am not using it. But I'll definitely start work on it.
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Dec 16
The forumwheel can earn you 5 dollars a day if you will join all of their forum. The site grew a lot since Postloop closed down.