Moan here.

Dundee, Scotland
October 23, 2016 11:02pm CST
If you feel the need to moan then please feel free to moan here. Moan about anything you want. Moan in multies of three if you want. Can I moan first. Saturday night internet went off at 11.30pm as I was watching MOTD with my wife. 3mobile wete doing some upgrades. Why pick a Saturday night at peak viewing time? Why not a Sunday night or about 2am on a Monday morning. So we ended up playing a game of I Spy With My Little Eye. Great fun in tbe dark. Anyway I didnt get to see the football and my wife never got to see much of Danny Murphy. Moan over Your turn.
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4 responses
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
24 Oct 16
Nice one. The only thing i can moan about at this moment is my nephew's wailing for hours now. He's just not in the mood.
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
24 Oct 16
Its really good that you dont really have a lot to moan about. Money? Weather? Job? If you think of anything to moan about you know where to come
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
24 Oct 16
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
24 Oct 16
We had a fly buzzing around our house for hours. ''Twas a smart little creature....kept escaping us. Then it landed on the bed next to our cat and she swiftly caught the fly and ate it
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• Dundee, Scotland
24 Oct 16
Seems to be the time of year for flies. Our cats are good at catching them as well.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
24 Oct 16
My moaning today has to do with the fact that I had another "bad night" and it makes for a rotten day today.
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• Dundee, Scotland
24 Oct 16
Oh god I know that feeling. Hope that you have a better night tonigjt so tomorrow is a better day.
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
24 Oct 16
I could hear my husband snoring downstairs last night when he was supposed to be watching Match of the Day. I assume it can't have been that riveting.
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• Dundee, Scotland
24 Oct 16
Cbelsea were outstanding in thumping Mudchester Ushitedit 4 nil. Oh how I laughed as the Special One looked like his also ran team did. Rubbish