What Animal would you like to be

Dundee, Scotland
October 24, 2016 7:31pm CST
I think that I quite like the idea of being a cuddly Koala Bear. I mean lots of ladies just love picking them up and cuddling them inspite of whole populations of Koalas having yeast infections and smelling bad. I saw a program about it. Anyway. Never mind me. What about you. Which animal would you like to be.
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16 responses
@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
25 Oct 16
I have 3 cats as my pets at home. But, no, I don't like to be a cat. I don't want to eat cat food. What I really want to be is a butterfly. It's beautiful, adorable and it likes flower just like me!
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Oops! I'll be living in a deep of a forest so no one will catch me.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@Ayuriny But thats where butterfly collectors go and murder them. Thats what it is. Its butterflyacide!!
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Aye. The problem with being a butterfly is that you are going to die quite quickly and end up in a display case with a pin stuck through you.
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@Sasquatchy (1131)
• Canada
25 Oct 16
A kangaroo! Me too...think of all the ladies I could pick up.....then stuff into my pouch and bounce away!
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• Canada
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Good point! And be good at it to boot! (See what I did there? Clever right? To boot....ah never mind. lol)
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
You could also win the high jump at the Olympics and be a good kick boxer
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@Sasquatchy I see what you did. Quite clever right enough.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
25 Oct 16
I would definitely be a cat of some sort.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
A big cat like a Tiger or maybe an exotic cat like a Persian? Plenty cats to choose from Just dont end up a big cat in a cage in a circus. It will end badly. You will resent being caged and eat someone. And they will shoot you!#
@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
25 Oct 16
Well, since my husband says I'm a Goose, I guess that's what I would be. He says I wake up in a new world every day. Are geese forgetful like that? At least I don't hold a grudge. By the next day, I've forgotten what It was I was mad about.
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@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Good idea.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Geese are becoming quite popular as festival and holiday roasts. Not so sure I would be a goose if I were you.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@1creekgirl Geese are quite fiesty. Saw a young kid in the park run up to a goose The goose never flinched It flapped its wings made a strange noise and attacked the kid. I must admit i giggled just a little.
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25 Oct 16
I would love to be a bird so I fly high and travel from one place to another. Also,fish would be good because I get to experience the beauty and wonders of the sea.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Yes indeed. I think being a bird would be ok. Be wary of planes and wind turbines though. As for fish. Not so sure. Lots of pollution in the seas and oceans. Also lots of fishermens nets to get caught in.
@Jenning (2016)
• Nigeria
25 Oct 16
So because of the Ladies right?
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@Jenning (2016)
• Nigeria
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Lolz. This man is not sincere
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
I never said that....
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Or guys!! I dont suppose koalas really care what gender of person picks them up and gives them a cuddle
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
25 Oct 16
I'd be a panda bear like what you see in those Panda cheese commercials that feature the Buddy Holly song 'True Love Ways'. If you haven't seen any of the commercials, look it up in YouTube. Never say no to a panda.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Sadly Panda Bears are rude Mrs Panda Bear at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland told me her husband was a very bad bear. I asked why She said he was not very romantic. She said He just eats bamboo Shoots And leaves
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Mr. and Mrs. Panda Bear need to go to couples counselling then.
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
25 Oct 16
Not only that, but koala chlamydia is a huge issue, too... My vote is for dragon, although I imagine they probably suffer a massive amount of heartburn with all the fire-breathing they do...
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
A huge issue. Dragons can be found in most human homes.
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
25 Oct 16
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
25 Oct 16
A Black Panther @saulgoodman ; or any one of the big cats.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
26 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Yup, one of 'them' would be my lunch.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Just stay away from poachers or better still should you encounter a poacher eat the fu.....
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Oct 16
Perhaps an alligator because they are an almost indestructible killing eating machine doing nothing most of the time.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Because their hides are treated. Their hides are like armor. Bullets can't penetrate.
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• Dundee, Scotland
27 Oct 16
So. If they are so indestructable how come their skin can be seen so often as a handbag or pair of shoes#!
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• United Kingdom
25 Oct 16
A dolphin
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• Dundee, Scotland
27 Oct 16
Good choice Come to Aberdeen and the mrw all slimmer all fitter me can go for a swim with you
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
25 Oct 16
A monkey I think. They always seem to have so much fun. lol
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Until they end up getting stuff sprayed in their eyes in a research laboratory. Or killed in the jungle and eaten by human jungle dwellers. Nah. Pass on being a monkey. It sucks.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman awwww well that sucks then. Guess I will just be a cat.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@Happy2BeMe Dont go to China or Korea. You will end up as Cat Curry.
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
25 Oct 16
I would probably settle for being a domestic cat living in Britain (as opposed to somewhere where cats get eaten) all that sleeping, eating, chilling out and not getting too emotionally attached to people. It would make for quite a calm, easy life.
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• Dundee, Scotland
27 Oct 16
Cookie and Felix agree with you.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Oct 16
I want to be the bird because I can fly to anywhere I like. Having the flying ability makes me feel like to have the freedom.
• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Just watch out for areoplane propellers.
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
25 Oct 16
I always say that I am like a Kangaroo because I am too protective with my children... A Kangaroo has a pouch where they put their babies to keep them safe, right? But I don't like to be a Kangaroo.I"d rather want to be a Bird. I want to fly and explore the beautiful Earth.
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman An eagle...A big, powerful, fearless eagle. Eagles have great vision. They can soar to greater heights. They are full of life and gentle and attentive to its young ones.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@magallon Dont. Isit Scotland then bec ause some very nasty people have been kiiling birds of prey of late. Eagles are awesome.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Kangaroo meat is tasty. I hope tbey check a kangaroos pouch for its baby before they turn it into a burger. What kind of bird?
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