Favorite movies

Dundee, Scotland
October 24, 2016 11:25pm CST
I have to say that my favorite movie of all time is South Park Bigger Longer Uncut. Its freakin hilarious from start to finish. First time I saw it I was endulging in the Noble Herb with some friends and I have never seen so many grown ups laughing so much. So whats your fave movie of all time and what is it about it that hit the spot for you. You killed Kenny You Bast.....
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4 responses
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
25 Oct 16
My favourite movie is Amelie. It makes me long to be French and chic. (And Audrey Tautou could almost turn me)
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Oh god..... Best go cool down. Im a bit hot under the collar now. A long time ago a young French lady turned my wife Yvonne
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@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman That sounds interesting
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@5thHouse Didnt take much turning to be fair.
@VivaLaDani13 (60793)
• Perth, Australia
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman haha I bought this movie recently! I watched it like a million times when it first came out though! I love the show! I love Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Have you ever seen BASEketball? That's one of my favourite movies! I have too many favourite movies!
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Not seen it yet but its on a list. You must have been very young when bigger longer uncut came out!!!
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• Perth, Australia
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Looking at the release date, I would have been 8 LOL But I was watching the show back then anyway! It wasn't that bad compared to now. Now it's full on swearing and...just messed up but in a hilarious way.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 Bigger longer uncut has swearing in it from the start. Who ever let you watch that was just like me Super parent
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
25 Oct 16
@saulgoodman No,I have not seen that .Now I too want to laugh.So definitely want to see it.
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
Rent it Watch it Go pee pee first though because you will wet yourself laughing
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Oct 16
Blame Canada!
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• Dundee, Scotland
25 Oct 16
It was the blatant use of racism with tbe American army Human Shield that made me laugh. Chefs face!!!