Our Night Out.

Dundee, Scotland
October 25, 2016 7:09pm CST
So my lovely wife and I went into the city earlier tonight. I had been formulating a plan for tbe last few days on how to surprise her. I had been putting away tbe money I would normally have spent on ciggies and in tbe 11 days I had been stopped I had saved £66. So at 4pm I announced that I wanted to go into the city. I said we could go for a coffee whilst there. But I had other ideas. Anyway. To cut a long story short I took her to cafe52 Think its safe to say Yvonne was thrilled. Food was awesome Service great Ambience par excellence. Well worth tbe £60 it cost and wonderful to see Yvonne looking so elegant and having so much fun. Then after meal we went for a walk. Then caught bus home And I did a selfie
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5 responses
@VivaLaDani13 (60793)
• Perth, Australia
26 Oct 16
@saulgoodman That is SO bloody sweet of you! Very nice for you to surprise her and I'm glad you both had a good time!
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
I like surprising her. She likes surprising me. It was a really classy fine dining experience. Cant wait until another £60 is saved. Think we will dine out again
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• Perth, Australia
26 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Men like you are rare. Just letting you know that you give me hope that there are nice people out there. lol so thank you.
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
@VivaLaDani13 Oh hey not so sure Im rare. We are best friends and work colleagues as well as lovers and spouses. Been together almost 20 years. Cafe52 was full of couples our age tonight. You will be swept off your feet by some dashing handsome thoughtful appreciative young guy because you deserve to be.
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@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
26 Oct 16
I was paying attention till I read the last sentence. Where is the selfie?
1 person likes this
• India
26 Oct 16
@saulgoodman Pretty selfie. I'd not have asked had you not pasted 'something' there at the end of your post, just after mentioning the selfie (now I get you might have pasted the link somewhere in middle but...) so as to suggest the thing below was your selfie and left me feel cheated!
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
@hora_fugit I look quite distinguished lol. I am sorry you feel cheated. I had meant to add the cafe52 link earlier in tbe post.
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
Wife said if it was mentioned i had to post it Not my fault it isnt vertical
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
26 Oct 16
So sweet of you! I´m sure your wife must have been thrilled! We love romantic gestures once in a while.
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
Aye. Think she was amazed at the venue. Really cosmopolitan Best in the city by a mile But not snobby
@Sasquatchy (1131)
• Canada
26 Oct 16
Keep up the good work my friend! Cigs are bad news! Stop smoking! Get fat!
1 person likes this
• Canada
26 Oct 16
@saulgoodman that's awesome. Cut carbs down too and you'd be in the slim zone in no time
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
Going to get slimmer All this walking wife has me doing
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
@Sasquatchy Another year. I was quite hefty not that long ago. Slim zone is still in the distance
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
26 Oct 16
Sounds like a great evening.
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• Dundee, Scotland
26 Oct 16
It was. Not being dressed in bike gear helped. And cafe52 is fantastic. She enjoyed it so much that she let me spend some money today!!