Shadow Strikes

October 27, 2016 11:29am CST
I need to preface the discussion with I share my home with 12 rescue cats. I work with the local animal rescue groups and I take in the cats that would be impossible to place because of abuse issues. I work with them and slowly gain their trust. One of the 12 is a sweet solid black cat by the name of Shadow Dancer. He still is very shy, but he is a very loving character. I was busily posting on the Lot when Shadow jumped up on the couch beside me and was busily "playing" with something. My first thought went to "mouse" and I stopped posting and watched him play with whatever it was. He was very intent on what he was doing and the more he batted at the item the more I thought MOUSE! Suddenly he hooked his paw around the game and flipped it in my direction. I jumped three feet, still thinking that it was a mouse. After all I live in the country and there are field mice that have dumb days and come into a house with 12 cats. My heart was beating like crazy, not that I am afraid of mice but still...., the item landed on my sleeve and I was ready to flip the mouse off my sleeve. My heart was still beating a mile a minute....I looked down at the object and it was.....a plastic ring that goes to the bottled milk that I use! I laughed like crazy of course. After Shadow finished with his prey, he wandered off to take a well deserved nap.
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3 responses
• Belton, Missouri
27 Oct 16
That's too funny!! I probably would have done the same exact thing!! I love kitties!!
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27 Oct 16
They are so great, and contrary to what some people say, they have a heck of a great sense of humor!
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• Belton, Missouri
27 Oct 16
@CrazyBearLady I absolutely agree!!
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@akalinus (40934)
• United States
27 Oct 16
At least it was not anything alive and nothing valuable. The cat is playing so it must feel at home with you. It sounds like you are doing a good job with your rescues.
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27 Oct 16
Thank you! Your comment about Shadow playing and feeling at home makes me feel much better about his shyness. Shadow was named Shadow Dancer because he was so shy and would stay in the shadows of the house and would hide under the bed and any other place that was secluded and he felt safe in. He hasn't gotten to the point of coming to me when he is called, but that day is coming soon.
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@akalinus (40934)
• United States
27 Oct 16
@CrazyBearLady He was playing with a piece of plastic so he must not be worried about you anymore.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
28 Oct 16
Now I know what caused you to lose ten years off your life...