Day two with Pumpkin

By Jen
@polyxena (2628)
Sturgis, Michigan
November 1, 2016 4:50pm CST
I have put ads on the Facebook page's I'm part of that are local. While my husband and I want to keep her, I do know since she is a beautiful but extremely friendly kitten there's a likelihood that she's gotten out. We did treat her for fleas today, and for the next few weeks are not in a hurry on treating her for rabies or thinking about spaying her until we know what's going on with her. But if it comes down to it. It looks like I have a new friend. As the Pagans and Wiccan's believe they say that the fact that she wouldn't leave even when we tried, is that she's supposed to be here and that she's supposed to teach me something, cats are independent or whatever. I have decided that if she's staying. I'm starting a new blog just for Pumpkin and I. Since she has that likable ability and tortoiseshell cats are a bit different than other cats. She's just so full of sass. Yesterday when she came in Monkey (the other cat) looked at her un happy, and wasn't too happy with her, she jumped on to the bed, and started cleaning herself like she didn't care that Monkey was unhappy.
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2 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
1 Nov 16
She is beautiful and I am sure Monkey will get use to her in time if she stays.
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
2 Nov 16
He's not as mad at her right now. I'm sure it's going to take time.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
2 Nov 16
@polyxena It usually does but then they learn to tolerate each other lol
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
2 Nov 16
@Happy2BeMe That's what I noticed at least he hasn't hissed too much at her today, only when she got close to the food dish she just gives him a sassy look as if to say, "You don't bother me much."
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
1 Nov 16
Another proof that cats are out to take over the world and enslave us humans! Cute cat you got there! Meow!
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
5 Nov 16
Your cat and your keyboard are in a relationship @polyxena !
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@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
2 Nov 16
Thanks. And very true. She loves the darn keyboard. I try to write and she just lays on it.
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