
@alvin06 (213)
November 23, 2016 10:26am CST
We all know about blogging. Blogging is a good way of earning passive earning. But its really not easy to make a blog famous in just few months. Its take a time to make an image of blog. Can anyone help me how can earn money through blog. How can make it famous and how can increase traffic on a blog.
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3 responses
@skysnap (20153)
23 Nov 16
I just love blogging as it makes it easy for me to write... it comes with practice thes days.
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@alvin06 (213)
23 Nov 16
Great me too trying to make it my habbit.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
26 Nov 16
You can put the link of your blog on your Mylot profile I guess. If you are in Facebook, you can search for Bloggers Facebook Group and join them. When did you start with your blog?
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
27 Nov 16
@alvin06 You are welcome! Enjoy your blogging. I can only publish one article a week because I need to concentrate on my offline job too.
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@alvin06 (213)
27 Nov 16
@annierose both of ideas are just amazing and I liked them both of ideas. Thanks for suggesting these ideas too me.
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@alvin06 (213)
28 Nov 16
@annierose still its great. You are able to post at least one article in a week.
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
23 Nov 16
You can increase traffic through twitter, FB.
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@alvin06 (213)
23 Nov 16
Yeah, but don't have mych friend.
@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
23 Nov 16
@alvin06. You can introduce mylotters here to attrack trafffic to your blog.
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@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
23 Nov 16
@alvin06 we need to invest TIME. If not, forget about it. there's a lot of #bloggingtips on Twitter but if you have no time you will never succeed online.
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