Ever Thought About Eating A Rat Burger????

Tezpur, India
November 30, 2016 10:02am CST
Ever Thought About Eating A Rat Burger? One Russian Restaurant Is Serving Them Up Right Now... Read here full article..
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5 responses
• Peoria, Arizona
30 Nov 16
I suppose if they are keeping it clean, the rats have no diseases and they make sure the rats have their waste somewhere else, then i don't see what is the problem. They are a fast breeding spices and they supply a lot. People eat other kinds of rodents all over the world. I wouldn't say I would eat one...owning gerbils that kind of resemble rats, I don't think I could.But I wouldn't knock off anyone who does. Better than eating an animal that is endangered.
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• Tezpur, India
1 Dec 16
@DesirousDreamer haha i hope its clean...... but i just suggest u to don't try these type of burger....
@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
30 Nov 16
@vsaldas In a word - no. However I did have a snake burger in Delhi once.
1 person likes this
• Tezpur, India
1 Dec 16
when you will came to the delhi ? how do you feel india ?? are you enjoy
• Bournemouth, England
30 Nov 16
Sadly, I am sure there are many restaurants serving up rats. It's just that, unlike the place in your post, the diners may not be aware of the fact!
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Nov 16
If a person does not get sick from eating rat meat, then maybe rats would be a good meat supply for a hungry world.
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• Tezpur, India
1 Dec 16
i hope that ok to eat... would u like to try...?
@Kandae11 (54186)
30 Nov 16
One can become ill,even by just contact with rat droppings.
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