Traveling At Night, They Couldn't Believe Their Eyes When A Yeti Crossed The Road

Tezpur, India
November 30, 2016 9:43pm CST
I really do believe on yeti do you believe in yeti are you think they really exist on the earth..? Traveling At Night, They Couldn't Believe Their Eyes When A Yeti Crossed The Road. how shocking situation.. Read here -
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2 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
1 Dec 16
I firstly have seen a yeti in an old movie titled Shangrila . It was scary . And in this video , i think i didn't see it clearly . It could just be an animal colored white .
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• Tezpur, India
1 Dec 16
ha ha.. so, do you believe in yeti..? :)
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
1 Dec 16
@vsaldas No . It's for that movie i have seen only .
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• Tezpur, India
1 Dec 16
@SIMPLYD ha ha ha but i really believe in....
@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
1 Dec 16
Maybe it was a man in a fancy fur suit
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• Tezpur, India
2 Dec 16
ha ha maybe...
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