Scan your body parts.!!!!!!!!

@GinerNut (187)
Barcelona, Spain
December 3, 2016 12:37pm CST
On my way to Sophia, Bulgaria I heard a machine in the airport spew out this outrageous statement. Not once but twice as I stood in the queue behind this rather attractive lady. I giggled and got a funny look from said lady so I explained why I giggled. She smiled and kindly corrected me. Scan your boarding pass was the actual phrase lol. The lady then asked what kind of office I worked in after a few comments regarding photocopy machines. Some ice breaker I'll tell you, everyone in the little shop laughed.
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2 responses
@IreneVincent (15962)
• United States
3 Dec 16
Now, that's funny. Do you travel a lot? I used to travel a lot when I earned FREE trips from the company I worked for. But, now traveling is too difficult for me to enjoy. So, I gave it up.
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@GinerNut (187)
• Barcelona, Spain
3 Dec 16
Yes I do Alice, I'm actually Scottish, travelling back there in a week then it?????. I have month to fill. Then it's Transylvania would you believe.
• United States
3 Dec 16
@GinerNut I've been able to visit 25 different countries and 44 U.S. states including Alaska and Hawaii. And I'm glad that I was able to take all those trips, but now, traveling is not as easy as it used to be and I'm not up to all the hassle involved. I hope you always have SAFE trips. It's dangerous out there. Transylvania? Wow!
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@GinerNut (187)
• Barcelona, Spain
3 Dec 16
@IreneVincent I've never counted the countries I've been to but it's a fair few. I have driven through Romania many times and decided it was time to go to Transylvania for a proper visit so I got a two month housesit. Maybe get bite there lol
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@xFiacre (12903)
• Ireland
9 Dec 16
@ginernut A true gentleman would have helped the pretty lady and scanned her body parts for her instead of letting a rude machine do it!!
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@GinerNut (187)
• Barcelona, Spain
9 Dec 16
I'm with you there lol