What's with Number 7???A Premonition Maybe?

@Ladera (340)
United States
December 10, 2016 11:47pm CST
Okay so I am a bit curious/ bothered about what number 7 could mean because I always see this number in my phone or anywhere. Like if I click my phone to look at the time it's 2:07 then I put it down and then afterwards I want to use it again and by that time it's 3:07. Or 12:37 and more. I didn't bother myself before about this one because maybe this is just random but this happens like maybe a month ago and now, it's still happening. I am overthinking things already like what if my life will end next year because it's 2017 so and so. Goodness! Hopefully, this is a sign of something good!
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3 responses
@Kandae11 (54185)
13 Dec 16
I have noticed that the number 7 is used a lot in the bible.
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@Ladera (340)
• United States
29 Jan 17
I think 7 is a lucky number. Maybe my lucky number. :D
@Ladera (340)
• United States
29 Jan 17
7 maybe is a lucky number for me. Who knows?
@Pass12 (998)
11 Dec 16
That might be a strange coincidence. But yeah I'm so excited for 2017
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@Ladera (340)
• United States
29 Jan 17
Maybe 7 is my lucky number. What you think? Hahaha
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@Pass12 (998)
29 Jan 17
@Ladera that's great. Mine is 5
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
11 Dec 16
Hope it's an angel giving you lucky numbers
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@Ladera (340)
• United States
29 Jan 17
Thanks. I also hope the same haha
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