Finally Back!

@IvySaysHi (4467)
United States
January 4, 2017 7:43pm CST
Hello everyone! First off Happy New year! I wish you nothing but good fortune in this new year, lord knows we all need it after getting through last year. My very first day of the New Year was alright. I wasn't with my hubby to have a New Year kiss because we were at a family reunion in Memphis which he was not able to get off work for. This year is starting off with many changes. I am slowly getting myself back up to my fitness regimen. My hubby and I are going to start doing something new together that I am not 100% comfortable with talking about on here. I am confident this year will bring many changes. I really enjoyed my 2 weeks with my side of the family in Philadelphia as did my son for sure. My mom and stepdad loved spending time with us and we did so many fun things. I have to put together videos of the museum we went to. Hopefully I'll have it up on my channel by the end of the week. I used my new phone to film it so hopefully it doesn't turn out awful. How did you ring in the New year? What di you do for Christmas? Any resolutions you plan on sticking to?
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2 responses
5 Jan 17
Happy new year darling, I wish you all the Best :)
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
5 Jan 17
Good to see you back! Happy New Year! And best wishes for all your plans for the new year!
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