Exploring New Things

January 7, 2017 9:11am CST
I have been browsing my Android phone for days now, searching for possible income-generating sites such as this. I stumbled upon a discussion regarding the former site which i used to work on. I am talking about Bubblews. I was one of the many writers who were given by Bubblews the opportunity to express myself through writing. I was so sad that it came to its end. I have been working on different sites and fortunately spotted this. I hope that I can explore this site better and to hopefully start my journey as a writer again. I am Shiela. And I am your new friend.
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14 responses
• Agra, India
7 Jan 17
Welcome to mylot.. It is a lovely place with lovely people
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• Agra, India
7 Jan 17
@sweetshy714 welcome and start interacting
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7 Jan 17
Thank you so much. I find it so interesting and i am very excited to get started. Im dying to tell my friends about this. Soooo excited here.
3 people like this
7 Jan 17
@amitkokiladitya thanks. I'll sure do. How long have you been here?
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@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
7 Jan 17
here is the link to the guidelines and the earnings faq. welcome to mylot.
Have questions about myLot? Help is here!
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• India
7 Jan 17
@sweetshy714 I also used bubbles earlier but I'm also got disappointed
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7 Jan 17
@ladakh007 i liked it before it shut. bubblews gave me huge opportunity and I also was rewarded of income that really made me work harder. I bought a lot of things with just my earnings in bubblews alone.
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7 Jan 17
Oh Thanks. I am a Filipina too. I hope to connect often to you. It would be very lovely if you could give me some hints. The useful ones.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
7 Jan 17
You have found the golden egg here. MyLot is the best of the best site of this kind. Hands down. Bubblews was nice and it worked for me for awhile. But they screwed all the members. I do not wish the owners there good luck in anything. They have no idea what to do. Anyway, enjoy MyLot to the fullest.
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8 Jan 17
@inertia4 yeah, you're right. I worked so hard bubbling but eventually it crashed. Anyway, i'm starting to love this site. I am so excited to write again.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
9 Jan 17
@sweetshy714 That's awesome. MyLot is what every site like this should follow. They have the best formula here. And the best members.
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9 Jan 17
@inertia4 im looking forward to working with you more.
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@rina110383 (24495)
7 Jan 17
Welcome aboard Shiela! Have fun myLotting!
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7 Jan 17
Hi rina110383. Thanks. Im glad you liked my first article. Its been a long time since I joined a platform like this.
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@ladakh007 (187)
• India
7 Jan 17
@sweetshy714 youbarebmost welcome to my lot.. Keep posting and ..enjoy
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7 Jan 17
Thanks a lot @ladakh007 . I surely enjoyed interacting :)
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@suhail1 (931)
• Manila, Philippines
7 Jan 17
welcome to myLot
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7 Jan 17
Thanks. Could you please explain to me what should i do next? I just posted my very first article and I dont know the important hints to get started.
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@suhail1 (931)
• Manila, Philippines
7 Jan 17
@sweetshy714 i would recommend you to read the guidelines first, it helps a lot for sure
3 people like this
7 Jan 17
@suhail1 where could it be? Is it found in the FAQ? I have read the FAQ but I want to know more.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 17
Hi Shiela, nice to meet you and welcome to myLot. I've just made my come back today after so long of not being active here. To me, it's a nice hangout place where I can be with my friends from all around the world.
@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
8 Jan 17
Good to know you find this site. Explore and enjoy
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• Preston, England
7 Jan 17
As many on here I was an avid Bubblews user too - glad you found Mylot - enjoy
1 person likes this
7 Jan 17
Hi. Yes i'm glad i found this community. It feels great, really.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
8 Jan 17
nice to meet you and welcome aboard! you'll find many ex bubblers on here too...
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
8 Jan 17
what was your bubblews username?
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8 Jan 17
@sishy7 same. I am using the same username in all sites :)
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8 Jan 17
@sishy7 thanks. Im so glad i found this. I hope to see my friends from bubblews too.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Jan 17
Welcome to this site. Read the rules and you will do good.
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8 Jan 17
Thanks @jstory07. I hope to inyeract with you more in the future.
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@Beatburn (4287)
• Philippines
15 Feb 17
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot. Keep interacting.
7 Jan 17
Welcome Sheila
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8 Jan 17
@vindhya93 thank you so much my friend.
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@Gauresh_ (64)
• India
7 Jan 17
Welcome to Mylot! We Extends our heartiest welcome to you. Please share your informative content so that we could nourish our knowledge. Cheers!
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7 Jan 17
Yeah. Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope to read more articles from you too.
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