If Everyone in Your Life "Are Liars," Perhaps It's Time to Re-evaluate Who You Socialize With

 CC0 Public Domain/Pixabay
United States
January 14, 2017 11:15pm CST
I see quite a few people constantly whining on Facebook about how "everyone" in the world are liars. I hate to break it to them, but no, they're really not. Yes, some people lie and there are some who are pathological liars, but not everyone is like this. If everyone in your social circle is telling lies, taking advantage of you, stealing from you, spreading gossip or rumors about you, etc., then it's time to re-evaluate who you are socializing with and probably make changes in your life choices. Who has time for that kind of drama? Honestly, it is usually people who hang out with low lives who seem to have this problem. I never see middle class people, family-oriented people, or people who are busy working ranting about these problems. But that's not to say all poor people are low lives; being a low life is an attitude and has little to do with money. One side of my family is made up of a large percentage of pathological liars. My solution is to simply not associate with those people. Problem solved. Why invite that type of drama into your life? Life is way too short to waste it on dishonest people. It's always the same handful of people on my friends list ranting about this, and they all run with the low-life crowd. Some of them have kids and it's maddening seeing them getting involved in all this petty drama and then whining about how they never get to see their kids, or their kids hate them and want nothing to do with them. Perhaps they should take a look in the mirror and ask themselves WHY everyone in their social circle is like this, why they find this type of behavior acceptable, and then do something to change it.
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2 responses
@gracey90 (51)
15 Jan 17
Many of us have fallen a victim of such, but am glad I was able to move ahead and stopped seeing unnecessary people as friends
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• United States
15 Jan 17
People like that really aren't "friends." I think some people just thrive from stirring up drama. Who has time for it? I'm glad you were able to move on and put those people behind you. (I have had to do that too, and life is so much better without dealing with all the unnecessary drama.)
@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
15 Jan 17
Unfortunately that's life. I think some people just like to complain, and want to get themselves into those situations so they can feel better about their own lives. They want a reason to complain so they feel as though their life has meaning. I don't really get people as a general rule. I personally have too much going in my life to get upset over people who mean nothing to me, of course I still deal with some of these people, because I'm forced to, but I don't invite it into my life. I don't become friends with those kinds of people. Those kinds of people don't know much if anything about my personal life, at least not more than I find necessary. I have people like that I'm forced to deal with because of family, but that's about it.
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