Cyber Stalker, Real Life Stalker... Playing Hide and Seek

picture downloaded from google search
January 18, 2017 5:50am CST
I met someone online years ago. We chat but not much. I really don't like how he sees women in general and that's the reason I blocked him. But that didn't stop him. He just made another account ... Actually a lot of accounts. So, I got tired of this blocking game and just faced him. Until I just let him whatever he wants to say or post. The social site moderator wasn't doing anything. Until the social site closed. Thought it was over. Then he tracked me down in my other social accounts. So I changed all the names of my accounts and I used a different nationality. For 2 years I havent heard from him. Until I registered myself again in a popular site using my name. In just 2 mins of being a member he was there making my life miserable. So I literally stop using my name. Then two weeks ago, as I was browsing in Btalk there he was again. Thank God I wasn't using my name and my profile was off otherwise he would see me. This has been going on for 10 years. So has anyone of you been in the situation where a person can be so aggressive towards you when technically you never met in real life?
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8 responses
18 Jan 17
Usually happens for girls...not for guys....and just ignore him...and if it crosses a limit ie outside social network also...then surely you should take a strict step towards him because many cases where girls are victims happen because girls tend to take on with that person by themselves instead of warning beware...dont let anyone ruin your life...because people are people...jerks are not any less in here...
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18 Jan 17
@immilind113 Well its just in the social site. He's from another country and he didn't find me so I'm still good . Thanks for the concern. I will be fine.
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18 Jan 17
A complete jerk. So i just ignore him and hide from him. He had such a foul mouth.
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18 Jan 17
@diosabella if hes stalking in your real ( outside networking sites) then do tell your family or friends and take a stringent action through police or not ever keep quiet for all these matters EVER...
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
18 Jan 17
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
18 Jan 17
@diosabella maybe because you're a 'diyosa'. lol
18 Jan 17
@sol_cee I hope not.
1 person likes this
18 Jan 17
It was! But I'm actually scared and annoyed at the same time.
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@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
4 Apr 17
That's creepy.
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5 Apr 17
It sure is. I'm glad I'm not seeing him anywhere .
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@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 17
Yikes! Stalking someone online for years? That is creepy. Sounds like he has issues. Doesn't hurt to be extra careful about sharing personal info online. Stay safe!
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20 Jan 17
Yup! That's why I don't put everything out there.
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18 Jan 17
Sasha be care full.... if he can find you in any social media.. then he can follow you in mylot also... lol..
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19 Jan 17
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20 Jan 17
@Amansaini Good for me!!!!
19 Jan 17
I don't think he has the patience to go through every social media.
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@atoz1to10 (6781)
• Australia
18 Jan 17
This is scary. Does he know where you live? Does he know what you look like? Maybe he really likes you... Try to think back of whatever really went wrong between the two of you. Young people these days don't like taking no as the answer. Good luck.
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18 Jan 17
Yes he knows what I look like. And he knows half my address. Fortunately for me there are a lot of towns bearing the same name as my town. He's from another country and he did came here to find me. I knew about this because he told me and showed me pictures the last time I let him talk to me. I thought he would have change but he didn't. He called women slaves. And I really hate that. Told him he's a slave too coz his mom is a woman. He threatened to kill me for saying his mom is a slave which I didn't but he did.
@atoz1to10 (6781)
• Australia
18 Jan 17
@diosabella I'm sorry for you have to meet this friend. He doesn't seem to be normal (from what I see). Hope he is married now with children. This might calm him down. Whatever it is, I just wish you good luck. All the best.
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18 Jan 17
@atoz1to10 Thanks. Probably its his tumor that was making him demented. He told me he has cancer. But he's still alive until now so I think he is lying with that one.
• United Kingdom
19 Jan 17
How awful for you! Have you told police about this? Stalking is illegal!
19 Jan 17
No. He stalked me through social media. I always report him to the moderators but nothing. Anyways, I havent heard from him for awhile so I'm good I think.
@The_sparx (289)
18 Jan 17
Its really miserable situation for you.
18 Jan 17
Yeah. I just hope he moved on.
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18 Jan 17
@diosabella it is important for you that that guy should move on
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