How to fix NFL football games

January 24, 2017 6:35am CST
In order to fix NFL football games, you must direct the officials to make certain decisions. If you want a team to lose, the officials would penalize the team far more than the other. Any scoring play can be nullified by a penalty flag. Since almost every offensive lineman on each play grabs the jersey of the defender, a holding call can be made. On the other side, when a receiver runs past a defender, any kind of contact can be called a foul against the defender. Therefore, a referee can throw a flag on a 3rd down play just in case a major play may occur. The referee can call it either way if he needs to. He can always call "offensive holding", "defensive holding" or "illegal contact" to serve the purpose. The reason I refer to a 3rd down is because the referee also has the option to pick up the flag or have it declined by the benefiting team. This way, if a flag is picked up/declined, it would masked the fact that extra flags were thrown against one team. Referees can also NOT throw flags on a team he is supposed to favor. This would allow illegal hits one major players rendering them potentially injured and removed from the game. It makes sense to use referees to do this because most of them are anonymous and exempt from scrutiny. The only time a referee would have to come clean is when he is on the stand in a courtroom. Have you ever heard of an NFL official in a courtroom discussing his job?
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