Animated movies are better...they don't have 18+ scenes.

@haazaah (221)
January 26, 2017 11:17pm CST
Most new movies are not family movies..... u can't see with ur family. But animated movies are better because they don't containe any 18+ scene.. agreed???
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5 responses
@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 17
I like a lot of animations. Many of them contain good messages even for grown-ups. Zootopia is one of my favorites.
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 17
Zootopia...aha...also my favourit... " i'm a dumb bunny"
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@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 17
@haazaah The part when they were talking to the sloth was the funniest scene ever.
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
30 Jan 17
@cahaya1983. ''' i'm a dumb bunny'''
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@ria1606roy (2797)
• Kolkata, India
28 Jan 17
Zootopia.....nicely done movie depicting the very real problems of our world without any adult rated scenes. Wall-E.....a mesmerizing love story. True, animated movies are awesome. But the movies coming out nowadays do contain scenes which make us uncomfortable even with friends. To some extent it's tolerable. But mostly, what you said is true. Too much westernization. Though I really love Hollywood movies, I don't want that influence seeping too much into our movies. Ours have to be different.
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• Kolkata, India
28 Jan 17
@haazaah yes because the target audience for animes are children so they don't keep adult scenes much.
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 17
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 17
Some animated movies maker also putting adult scenes in movies but most are not.... they also want to safe their children from bad things...
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27 Jan 17
Why to hide reality from kids.they should see it too and know it
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28 Jan 17
@haazaah don't think so times have changed ,they know everything now
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 17
But there is a age factor....they are too young to understand these things.....a
@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 17
@nerdnitesh yes they know,,,,, but how they come to know??
@tom_view (6445)
• Kolkata, India
27 Jan 17
i agree with you.Animated movies are better.
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@haazaah (221)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 17
Which is your favourit movie,,,,
@syeow1 (5137)
• India
27 Jan 17
Yes true.that is why I avoid to watch TV since years.anyway nice DP.