how to come over from my tension ?

By Rana
California City, California
February 28, 2017 11:09pm CST
When I am fall in deep sea of tension. How to over come it? Please suggest me.
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8 responses
@allknowing (132070)
• India
2 Mar 17
You must leave those things alone that lead to your tension and concentrate on those that give you happiness. Try doing this one day at a time.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
2 Mar 17
Many times, this is a hard thing to deal with and can lead to Bad headaches, and other Health issues if you do not watch it. What I have learned to do to help relieve some of mine, is listen to relaxing music, Pray and many times come here and post to help get my mind focused on other things.
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@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 17
Sit down and take a deep breath, then switch on the radio with light music, I hope that will do. It works for me though.
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• California City, California
9 Dec 17
thank you
@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
1 Mar 17
Listen to meditating music. It can be so soothing
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
2 Mar 17
Yoga, Chinese stress balls, squeeze balls, meditation, massage, hot bath something you find pleasurable to do like reading drawing etc.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
1 Mar 17
Welcome to mylot new user.
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@dwstory (1276)
• Roseburg, Oregon
5 Mar 17
Sit down and close your eyes and than just relax. It might help to put a cold washcloth on your eyes.
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• Bangalore, India
31 May 17
Hey why don't u listen to songs? It has always worked for me. Even though I am tensed or in deep trouble... Trust me songs have always been my motivation. Try this and let me know if it works for you
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