"mom, did I hurt you?"

March 7, 2017 2:15am CST
Purely today’s generation is far better smarter than the older generation. That’s what I understand when my dad ask me a simple thing to do, that even any regular child is able to complete that and dad can’t or when my mom say that today’s generation is very fast and better than our generation. I mean they accept it by themselves, then it’s not so hard for me to accept it so easily. But is it so, that more smarter we are getting, more humanity, more respect we are losing for our elders, our parents. A regular teenager has so much anger, so much bitterness that they are just pissed off on every situation. Now a days, teenagers gets irritated and they scream due to frustration so hard on their parents. What’s the reason that they behaves like this. As like I don’t get exactly, what was the conditions when our parents were in their adolescences . If they were not like today’s generation then how were they used to manage the pressure of being a teenager. As like my younger brother. He has so much anger inside him. I really don’t understand where all that comes from. He becomes so frustrated on very minor things. I relate this to every teenager across the world. When I was in my very teenage, I too used to be like this, I never realized how hurtful I was towards mom. I now thinks how bad she used to feel when his son screams at her very rudely. Now when I started getting things, understand behaviors, I realize how bad I was. I really regret about my behavior when I was an adolescent. What does affect teenagers that they becomes so rude, so bad-mouthed?
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3 responses
@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
7 Mar 17
It can also be influence from peers. Nowadays we have modern technologies and now i will take an example. I have my cousin who is addicted to PlayStation. He can spend the whole day playing games. If his mother call him the midst of this to help her he will just get annoyed.
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7 Mar 17
@Nawsheen exactly, that's the point of this discussion.
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@pammooratan (4668)
• India
7 Mar 17
Some changed of harmones due to their vocal sound and behaviour changes.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
7 Mar 17
A child's behaviour is forming when she/he in mother's womb. The food eat by mother when she carry a child, does matter a lot. That is what I heard from a researcher.
7 Mar 17
@Sreekala a child is very innocent from his born till the age of 10 or 11. after that this becomes to hard for him to understand the external world. When he becomes mature then he get things more clearly.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
8 Mar 17
@punit7724 I agree a child is innocent. But have you noticed some children are very restless and react angrily even at the innocent period. Some may just keep on cry by lying on the floor till he/she gets what she/he wanted. I meant those kind of behaivours formed when the child was in mother's womb and of course the food eat by mother does matter a lot. (For eg. if she is fond of having lot chilly it affect the child's brain in a negative way) Naturally if she/he get trained well after some years they will become matured and behave normally.
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8 Mar 17
@Kehsiba technology is for our convenience. isn't it? you are saying that it goes away because of tech. then we should keep away our child from technology and other stuff?
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