Who introduced you to myLot?

@EMuhungi (1712)
Nairobi, Kenya
April 1, 2017 7:13pm CST
Personally, I joined two months ago on myLot. A close friend of mine had heard about this site but didn’t have an account. We agreed to give a try. So, we sat down and opened his account. Then read the myLot guidelines. Studied the site layout, opened a discussion, interacted... It was that simple as ABCD. I got interested and created my current account at home, alone. That is how it all started. Who introduced you to myLot?
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18 responses
@xstitcher (31125)
• Petaluma, California
2 Apr 17
First of all, welcome to myLot ! Second, I joined myLot -- four years ago according to the thing on my profile, but I feel like it's been longer -- Like "back in the day" there was an "original" myLot or something, but my aging brain can't recall.
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@xstitcher (31125)
• Petaluma, California
2 Apr 17
@EMuhungi Well, there was a time when myLot stopped paying, which is probably why I left. Now that I can't work, I am glad that I found out they're paying again and came back.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Thank you for your warm welcome@xstitcher . 4yrs is a long time. has anything changed since then?
@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@xstitcher Glad to hear from you. There was a time I was too at bubblews and itstopped paying. i left!
@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
2 Apr 17
I seen it on an add and thought that I would check it out.. and I have been here sense.
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@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
2 Apr 17
@EMuhungi awesome
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
That is awesome! I too don't have plans to leave. Hillary Ralston @hillhjill
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
2 Apr 17
No one introduced me to mylot. I think I was doing a search and found it that way. It's been such a long time that I don't really remember how it all happened.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
2 Apr 17
@EMuhungi I really do love it here. It's a good place to be.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
interesting. I'm hoping that you are enjoying your time here!
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
2 Apr 17
I could not remember anymore who introduced me to mylot. It was long time ago but whoever it was I feel grateful for that person because I am happy to be here in mylot. I made friends all over the world. That made me happy. ??
@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Good to hear from you.Glad to that you are happy in here! Enjoy
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
2 Apr 17
@EMuhungi Thanks.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@meticulo You welcome.
• United States
2 Apr 17
I heard about myLot when I took surveys on Toluna.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Sounds interesting. I hope you are enjoying your time here. @infatuatedbby
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• United States
2 Apr 17
@EMuhungi Yes I've been a long time member of myLot. I'm enjoying my time, hope you are as well!
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
3 Apr 17
@infatuatedbby sure, I really am. Thank you.
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@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
2 Apr 17
granny did for me
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@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
4 Apr 17
@EMuhungi always
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@carebear29 Thats great! Glad she did.
@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Hoping that you are enjoying your time here. @carebear29
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• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Apr 17
Welcome to MyLot! I found this site myself 5 years ago. =) I am so glad I did!
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@LovingMyBabies5 years is quite a long time. Congrats
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
2 Apr 17
Mylot was introduced to me by my friend. It was three years ago. He didn't do mylotting anymore. I think he was so busy at his work.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
3 Apr 17
@EMuhungi I hope he can come back.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@Shavkat Maybe is busy at work. Glad he introduced you.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
3 Apr 17
@Shavkat Sure, i know you would be the first one to welcome him.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Apr 17
I'm glad you found your way here. I've been here for over a year when another site went down in which there were a lot of bloggers there from myLot. I checked it out and have been here since.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Apr 17
@EMuhungi I hope so too.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
3 Apr 17
@just4him Glad that you are here too. Looking forward to stay here for a long time.
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@addy007 (722)
2 Apr 17
Its not only like a money making website , its more of the genuine discussions we can do .
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@addy007 (722)
3 Apr 17
@EMuhungi True in every sense
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
3 Apr 17
@addy007 Absolutely.
@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Yeah, it is a place you can learn too. @addy007
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@diosabella (4789)
2 Apr 17
I think it was Pinterest. And I love it.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
loving it too @diosabella
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@Kuttu_007 (1940)
• India
2 Apr 17
I just searched..how to earn money online...and then I came across this site...but now it's more than earning money..it's an experience..
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@Kuttu_007 Glad that you are enjoying yourself on myLot.
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• Kolkata, India
2 Apr 17
I knew about myLot long long a back, my uncle use to do myLot i was in school then. And now he doesn't use myLot any more, when the rules of myLot took changes he stopped his account. But, now just few days back I suddenly remember about that and opened a new account over here.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@subhajitsil6 interesting. I hope you are enjoying your time here.
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• Kolkata, India
3 Apr 17
@EMuhungi yes I am.. this is a very good place and I have already made so many friends.. it's like a big family
@tarah9 (562)
2 Apr 17
out of no where I joined
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
That great. . Where you are online you learn a lot of things you didnt know. @tarah9
@OreoBrownie (3755)
• Commerce, Georgia
2 Apr 17
I'm a long time member with 4 lifetimes here. I learned about it off a message board at Plenty of Fish.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Interesting! You joined 4yrs ago? That is a long time. Kudos
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
3 Apr 17
I had joined mylot perhaps in 2010.It was one of my friends who had introduced me to this excellent site.In 2013 when mylot stopped paying.I, I quit it and joined Bubblews.
@shivamani10 (11038)
• Hyderabad, India
2 Apr 17
While googling for online jobs I came across the name and regd., myself with the site. Turned out to be a good site.
@Kandae11 (54186)
2 Apr 17
My sister did.
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@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
@Kandae11 Glad that she did.