5 years from now

@meticulo (1286)
United States
April 1, 2017 7:44pm CST
Where do you think you are 5 years from now? Are you still working in the company you are working right now? Are you still single or planning to marry? Do you plan to have children in the future?Any plans?
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5 responses
@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
2 Apr 17
If I'm not married in 5 years I will probably be nearing the point of being single forever. I didn't think I'd be single this long. I remember talking wedding plans with a girlfriend in 2009. That relationship didn't play out. It would have been nice if it had. I'm not going to guess my future. I'm only good at that when I get visions of it.
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
2 Apr 17
I think there would be someone for you if you are really destined to it. Maybe, the girlfriend you had before was not meant to be your wife. I really believe in destiny. If you are meant to be then it would really happen no matter what. Don't lose hope. When there is still life there is hope. Who knows one of these days, you will find the right girl for you. I wish you would find the desires of your heart soon.
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@OneOfMany (12150)
• United States
2 Apr 17
@meticulo Thank you. Fortunately confidence has been entering my life recently because I am finally doing something I have wanted to do for over a decade. I think it was a needed step before settling down. Of course, now I have to boost my income and find a girl. Such is life. :P
@EMuhungi (1712)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Apr 17
Planning to marry in five years time and probably have one child. Own my own business and my own house. No more renting! Hoping for the best!
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@meticulo (1286)
• United States
2 Apr 17
That is an awesome plan. I would love also to be back in business. Working in a company is hard. I wish also to have our own home here in the US. Hope we will be able to achieve all that! Good luck to us!
@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
2 Apr 17
I see my husband and I on the road in are camper van traveling anywhere we want to be and be free of everything.
@Kuttu_007 (1940)
• India
2 Apr 17
I see myself as a successful film director doing great films in the industry...
• United States
2 Apr 17
I'm hoping to be at a different employer or at least in school trying to finish my degree. I know I will at least be married since my fiance and I set our wedding date for 1-2 years from now. I also hope for me and my fiance (future husband) to have our own house since we currently live with my dad and he charges us rent since my dad doesn't own the house. It's going to hopefully get better.