May I know your motto in life?

April 5, 2017 7:36am CST
Tell me your motto and if that what's happening into your life right now? I just need to see if motto has a power to motivate and inspire people.
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7 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
My moto in life is: "If you can dream it, you can do it!" and that is exactly how I live my life!
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
5 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy Yes I certainly am. I am happier then I have ever been which is a wonderful feeling!
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@Happy2BeMe That's great of you
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
I believe you are enjoying your life right now, aren't you? Glad to see a good and nice point of view.
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@Allan12 (86)
5 Apr 17
Never give up
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5 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy oo Tol ganyan dapat!
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@Allan12 are we allowed to use tagalog? how much your earning? it's my 2nd day and I think .3000... Hmmm how long should it takes
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
Kabayan! Never give up
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
"Don't judge a man with least wrinkles on his forehead."
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy A person should not be judged because they are young. These young ones can offer with specific soft skills.
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@Shavkat should be tested 1st.
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
Wrinkles mean you are doing great hard work. I am not sure of that's the meaning of your motto. ?
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@imravi (2337)
• India
5 Apr 17
I am unable to understand what's going on in my life.Search for motto and aim is on.
@imravi (2337)
• India
5 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy oh well.I wish I can Do great things ahead.
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
You need some refreshing activities to clear your thoughts. I know you can do great
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• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@imravi Do you believe yourself? I do believe in you.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
5 Apr 17
I've never had a motto. Am I lacking something?
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
I am not sure. I don't have a motto as well. And I think that's what lacking. I am just imagining if I do have what difference can motto make.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
5 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy It would make no difference for me. I don't think it's a good idea to put oneself under pressure.
• Philippines
5 Apr 17
@MALUSE Thanks for sharing. At least I have heard new views about it.
• Peoria, Arizona
5 Apr 17
My motto has been since I was a teenager to "Desire your dreams" meaning want your dreams, want your dreams to come true, because if you want something enough, you will do it.
• Peoria, Arizona
10 Apr 17
@dhoyalahoy Yep! That is what I love about it haha
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• Philippines
6 Apr 17
Amazing. simple but reachable
• Bridgton, Maine
5 Apr 17
My motto is to take life one moment at a time. And I've gotten better at doing so.