Why your neck hurts

April 6, 2017 1:18pm CST
There are many different variables as to why ones neck would hurt. There might physical trauma from an injury, there could be genetic issues, or there could poor structural integrity throughout the entire body causing you to feel pain in certain areas. Usually it's the latter, so that's what we will address. Most humans in this day and age sit for more than 5+ hours a day. During these periods of sitting the body will undergo a few changes. The biggest change that happens is in the structure of the body. A healthy body that can maintain neutral posture over a long period of time. Neutral posture meaning that all your joints are stacked perfectly over top of each other, and your muscles are not compensating. A body that cannot maintain neutral will always search for the path of least resistance. In the case of sitting the path of least resistance is the slouched position, where your head is positioned in front of the body rather than on top. The shoulders will roll forward and the ribs will drop in towards the belly. For now let's just talk about the neck. When you have that slouch position your neck gets compressed. Specifically on the back of your head and neck (Cervicle spine). Reference an anatomy poster or image or book for this next part. Your sternocliedomastoid and your scalenes ( we will stick with these 2 for now) are muscles that attach the head to the collar bone. When these muscles get tight they pull the head down and forward. As a chain reaction, the muscles around the base of your skull ( trapezius, levator scapula, and the splenus muscles will tighten up and compress your cervical spine. Being in this position for days, weeks, months, years, decades, etc will literally cause the structure of you body to change. Old people with the hunch back syndrome are a result of that. Look at your neighbours, colleagues, friends, and family. I can guarantee that they all have an issue related to this article. The pains you feel are a symptom of a much bigger issue. Your body is not working to capacity, and is in fact losing its capacity to do work. If you have questions about this article feel free to comment. I am a personal trainer specializing in the optimization of the human species. Functional training is the name of the game, and everything I provide is applicable one way or another.
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5 responses
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
7 Apr 17
I have collapsed and fractured vertebrae from the Cervical to the Lumbar @SagarBath , so you can imagine my pain.
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@nitirrbb7 (4317)
• India
10 Apr 17
That's really sad don't mind me asking as to what actually went wrong that you hurt yourself that bad?
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
10 Apr 17
@nitirrbb7 Spousal abuse. Head slammed through walls, back slammed against door jams, thrown from a car at 35mph, etc.
• Canada
10 Apr 17
@nanette64 my sincerest condolences you had to go through such trauma. Neck issues like that unfortunately can't be solved using conventional methods. You might be able to get it popped back into place through a chiropractor, but it doesn't allow the muscles around the joint to strength? So your spine ends up back the way it was a few minutes, hours, or days after. On top of that your body has more than likely created a muscle guarding association around your neck, meaning that a lot of muscles are trying to prevent a certain stimulus from happening in the body. Have your issues been addressed at all
@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
6 Apr 17
Yes, that's right. My neck, shoulder n back sometimes hurt because of wrong posture n sitting or laying in same position for long
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@reskyyandi (3616)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 17
My neck is always really hurt when I woke up at morning
@nitirrbb7 (4317)
• India
10 Apr 17
You explained it really well as to what's the route cause is, but in today's professional world sitting 5+ hrs is nothing and when you have your boss sitting on your head it surely is going to be a pain in the neck
7 Apr 17
Definitely something everyone seems to be acquiring nowadays. Bad posture. Leading to even bigger problems in old age like Cervical, arthritis etc. in my opinion people should follow a good diet and regular exercise, half your health problems will vanish !