What's your limit?

By K.c
@Kymmie (112)
April 11, 2017 9:02am CST
Last night I chose to have some drinks with a friend. Didn't seem like I had that much to drink. Before I knew it the whole room was spinning and I felt terrible. I guess after not drinking for a few months then getting pregnant adding another 9 months of not drinking, makes your tolerance do down. Next time I will definitely consider how much and how fast I drink. I feel terrible this morning. Headache, nasuous. Hope everyone enjoys the day. Anyone else have stories like this?
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3 responses
12 Apr 17
No I did not. Cleaning everyone's dirt isn't very nice in the morning. Urrgghh.. My boyfriend and his bestfriend drank to the sky last night and guess what happened? puking here and there... I hate it. lol
12 Apr 17
@Kymmie not fun at all. That was the 2nd time of me nagging at them for about 2 hours. ha ha ha ha.
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@Kymmie (112)
12 Apr 17
Cleaning up after others isn't fun.
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@Mass_Sonu (1021)
• India
11 Apr 17
@Kymmie How are you feeling now? It's like, as you said - 9 months of not drinking may have led to this. Take good rest & hoping in no time, you'll be better again!
@Kymmie (112)
11 Apr 17
I'm feeling better.
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
11 Apr 17
Oh boy! Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. How many did you have
@Kymmie (112)
11 Apr 17
I had like two nips and one and half of the bigger bottles of Smirnoff. Normally that's nothing for me. I've gone to the bar and had like 6 mixed drinks and didn't feel terrible. Now that I have eatin and started cleaning the house up I feel more normal.
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