Strawberries anyone?

Aberdeen, North Carolina
April 14, 2017 2:02pm CST
Just got back from town had to go grocery shopping and get a few things. As I was on the way that I saw the strawberry field. Yes! I had to stop. I wanted to pick my own but I couldn't due to I would breakout in hieves. It happens every time I try to pick my own strawberries. Ithe nice lady the runs it picked two buckets for me. Boy am I excited. I love strawberries. I like to slice them up put some sugar on them. It makes a pretty good juice on them like that. But I mainly love to add.milk with it make an awesome glass of strawberry milk. Do you pick your own strawberries?
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15 responses
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
14 Apr 17
Unfortunately, I do not like strawberries. They have those hard little things in them that grind against the teeth and they are so awfully sour. Beautiful berries but for me they are inedible. I wish I liked them!
3 people like this
• Aberdeen, North Carolina
17 Apr 17
@dragon54u wow I've never meet to many people that didn't like them. So what's your favorite fruits. I also like blueberry
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@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
17 Apr 17
@Brittnyrose The only fruit I really like and even crave is a honey tangerine and I haven't seen them around in many years. I really don't like fruit. I wish I did!
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• Aberdeen, North Carolina
21 Apr 17
@dragon54u wow I don't think I've ever tried those. But I have tried tangerines. We have a few breeds of apple/lemon (yes the apple and lemon are combined)
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
14 Apr 17
I used to pick my own strawberries and shave some genuine Quebec Maple Sugar on them. Sometimes added whipped cream (the real thing). Delicious.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
21 Apr 17
@Brittnyrose That is why we add some sweet to the strawberries.
• Aberdeen, North Carolina
17 Apr 17
Whipped cream is awsome with strawberries. I also like white chocolate too.
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@allknowing (132081)
• India
15 Apr 17
A touch of sugar and cream will get you strawberries meant for the blessed (lol)
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• Aberdeen, North Carolina
17 Apr 17
@allknowing With a little of pound cake and a glass of milk.
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@KristenH (33367)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
14 Apr 17
I love strawberries. When I lived in New Jersey, I had a strawberry patch. I just buy mine at the local store or farmer's market.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Apr 17
Many years ago, my parents grew a few strawberry plants but they were difficult to maintain because birds would pick at them.
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• Aberdeen, North Carolina
17 Apr 17
Yes the birds will get them for you lol. and I don't lime to share.
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@Kuttu_007 (1940)
• India
21 Apr 17
Here strawberries are really rare to see...And it's price is too high..But I do eat it sometimes...Never have picked one..
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• Aberdeen, North Carolina
21 Apr 17
@Kuttu_007 are you located?
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@Kuttu_007 (1940)
• India
22 Apr 17
@Brittnyrose south India
@PatZAnthony (14752)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
30 Apr 17
Someone in our area offers strawberries for sale, which allows us to grow other foods and enjoy what she has. They are always delicious @Brittnyrose
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
14 Apr 17
We bought strawberries and yesterday I made homemade strawberry ice cream.
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• Aberdeen, North Carolina
17 Apr 17
Yummy I want some. I bet it was food too.
@mom210 (9062)
• United States
20 Jun 17
I tried to grow them, but we had goats at he time and seems they liked the plants. I have been meaning to plant new ones. The kids love them
• Stanton, Kentucky
25 Feb 18
No, we don't have any strawberry fields close by. I do love to eat them after they are picked and in the store though.
@manasamanu (3746)
• Bangalore, India
15 Apr 17
No. I don't like raw strawberries to eat but I sometimes like strawberry flavor with ice cream and other desserts.
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@snb7090 (62)
• United States
7 May 17
I don't pick my own, but I would love to. I live in an urban area so I don't usually get to drive past any strawberry fields.
@breine (97)
5 May 17
No, thank you, I am an apple type.
@Farcha (677)
14 Aug 17
Strawberry is among my favorite fruits, I like it so much, but they are not available. they are seasonal fruits, in spring.
@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
17 Apr 17
When I lived in CT, we had so many farms around us where we could pick strawberries and I loved making jam! These days I have no farms around here so I just buy them at the grocery store and put them in my yogurt and make smoothies. They are still so delicious all summer long!