
April 17, 2017 7:54am CST
Want to write a poem on love? Start it with the word mother.. Want to write a poem on care ? Start it with the word mother.. Want to write a poem a person compared to world? Start it with the word mother. Love her .. never leav her
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3 responses
• Agra, India
17 Apr 17
Very true...I agree
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@franxav (13717)
• India
17 Apr 17
I'll write a poem on love with the word. Thanks for reminding me.
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@Hari101 (1123)
• Chennai, India
17 Apr 17
I am really happy that you are so caring about your mother. Yeah, Mother is the first god to me. I never ever leave her alone. She is like my best friend. Everyone should respect their mothers, if they don't they are not humans.
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