Best thing you've read?

Bangalore, India
April 29, 2017 10:35am CST
I'm a huge bookworm and books are what I live by. I'm currently reading Game of Thrones, and I cannot be more thankful for the experience! Leave me here the best of books you've read, for I believe it would be something incredible to talk about!
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4 responses
@Claire_ut (222)
• United States
30 Apr 17
I always love John Green's novels.But I'm gonna say my favorite one is the Fault in Our Stars.
• Bangalore, India
30 Apr 17
oh, a big fan of John Green too! Cheers! :)
@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
29 Apr 17
My pick:To kill a mocking bird.Bleak House,A Train to Pakistan
• Bangalore, India
30 Apr 17
Thank you, gonna get them all right away!
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Apr 17
Of the top of my head: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Godfather, The Great Gatsby, It, Gone With The Wind.
• Bangalore, India
29 Apr 17
Incredible! A fan of philosophy?
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@dramagirl26 (3259)
• Ringgold, Virginia
29 Apr 17
I've read so many good books. But one of my favorites are Ghosts of Virginia by L.B. Taylor Jr.