Change is the charm of life!

Bangalore, India
May 1, 2017 7:53am CST
This day, I chose to let go of a few things that kept pressuring me since a few months. It is sometimes really difficult to let go of something that you wanted so badly (in this case, attention of a guy I really liked); but today I decided I won't try for it anymore. It feels like getting out of a maze, and it feels good! And today I believe it's okay to give up at times, when your efforts are going in the wrong direction.
1 response
@paigea (36224)
• Canada
1 May 17
Sounds like the decision has given you relief.
• Bangalore, India
1 May 17
@paigea it has indeed... I hope i'll be able to keep up to my decision though, it's highly tempting to give it another try!
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