Are we really serious?

Delhi, India
May 15, 2017 10:49am CST
Hello everybody, today I came to know about North Korea's another missile test which has range of 4000km if fired at standard trajectory. This thing made me helpless to write on this matter and made me to think about that, that is our world is going on the right path? Are meeting and summits are going successfull? If yes, than whats this all happening? President, Prime Minister and big leaders of every country expresses there tention on North Korea and orgsnises meetings, summits and forums but it all become resultless and becomes a good chance to have tea and dinner. US' President shows his seriosness oy this matter and only makes talk but do not shows his effort on the issue accept shouting. US post its missiles saying all this for world peace and security. Russia too commands its army to be alert to give appropriate answer to US. Now this whole issue is just not between countries but now became fight between human and human. These few things are leading us to the 3rd World War and making our future generation's luck more unfortunet to see one nu clean attack in there lives. We all have to come togather to fight against voilance and inhumanity. Otherwise neither I shall live nor you to read and to do discussion on the world peace. Please try to understand the sence of the topic. Please respond on this blog.
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1 response
• United States
15 May 17
This is very serious. Nations showing their power to destroy humanity is very scary. I think mankind is on the way out, I could be wrong and I hope that I am. Don't know why N. Korea wants to push the envelope on this.
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• Delhi, India
16 May 17
You are right its too scary.
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