Surprise in a pants pocket

@gilggg (2538)
May 24, 2017 7:52am CST
Today when I put my pants in the laundry, as usual, I checked its pockets and found some money in my back pocket I completely forgot about ... It gives me a wonderful feeling, as if I won an unexpected prize (like a lottery ticket) - even if it was only 50... Did this happen to you, too? Have you ever found anything unexpected that made you feel good?
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15 responses
@kellyr634 (416)
• United States
24 May 17
I love finding money! I usually find it floating around in the dyer. But it's usually just change.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
25 May 17
Yes, this happens occasionally. I've recently found some banknotes in a handbag.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
25 May 17
@gilggg Yes, it's a nice feeling although it's odd. It's my own money anyway. Finding coins in the street is a different matter. This is odd, too, considering the small value of the coins one finds.
@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
25 May 17
Isn't it a great feeling to find something you did not expect and profit is yours?
@snowy22315 (174709)
• United States
24 May 17
Yes, and I love finding money in pants pockets!
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
24 May 17
Not only in my pockets. Sometimes i find it in my drawers or in a corner on my table or in my handbag itself. I feel happy when i find it though. As if i have become rich
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@Mareena (443)
24 May 17
Lol...u said it. Its an amazing feeling....i guess in entire life everyone may atleast come across such a situation. Its like a lottery. Sometimes a bunch of 10-20 notes that get as balance from shops...will find later unfortunately
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
24 May 17
When unexpected good thing happen to you, You feel like you've won twice
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@Mareena (443)
25 May 17
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• Kathmandu, Nepal
24 May 17
some days ago i found a note in pocket which was so valuable for me. it happens to me often.
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@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
27 Jul 17
I like those kind of surprises no matter how big or little they are. I found a lipgloss I thought I lost it made me so happy when I saw it.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
27 Jul 17
Yes, It feels like winning a small
• United States
28 May 17
Once I had purchased some jeans used and found 10 dollars in the pocket..I was very happy.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
28 May 17
I like the feeling of finding something unexpected for your benefit..
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
6 Jun 17
Once I found 2 bills of $50.00 Canadian dollars in a small box in my drawer. I had completely forgot that I put them there.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
7 Jun 17
Isn't it a feeling like you find a treaser...
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
8 Jun 17
Expect the unexpected. That aha moment must have been priceless. ;)
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
8 Jun 17
@responsiveme (22926)
• India
29 May 17
I find it when I clean out my bag from some unexpected depths
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• India
29 May 17
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
29 May 17
Isn't it a great feeling...
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
29 May 17
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@spaceseed (2843)
• India
25 May 17
after marriage things get reversed, now i keep looking in my pocket searching for money which i had put ...........generally my wife take out that maoney and forgets about telling me.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
25 May 17
So it is your wife who earns the feeling of finding something unexpected for her benefit
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@spaceseed (2843)
• India
25 May 17
@gilggg cant say much in this case
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
25 May 17
@JediYoda (1646)
• Samoa
28 May 17
Yes of course, you find some money or things missing for quite a long time and it gives you some kind of joy and happiness or just make you smile.
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
29 May 17
I like this feeling when I find somthing unexpected for my benefit
@Elisa1234 (7607)
• Philippines
28 Jun 17
I love finding money in my pocket, bags, too. My auntie gave me her used hand bag then I found 100 there. haha
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
28 Jun 17
Dont you have to ask your antie if you can use this 100 ?
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
28 Jun 17
@Elisa1234 Good for you now you have 100 more effortlessly
@Elisa1234 (7607)
• Philippines
28 Jun 17
@gilggg Hahaha! lol I am at home already that time. I asked her about that, she said its okay. Make it yours as well
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• India
25 May 17
Yeah often i get such surprises when i check my pockets
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@gilggg (2538)
• Israel
25 May 17
For me it is rare - isn't it a wonderful feeling when it happens?