Healthier than you think

May 24, 2017 9:08am CST
The most important thing about heath care is to be educated. Most people will rely on pain medications and other pills prescribed by their doctor to ward off illness. I have never been a big fan of doctor's offices or hospitals. They have this smell to them, that I just can't stand. So, I have always been more interested in the natural aspect of health care. The human body was designed to ward off disease and combat it, but when we suppress our bodies signals with medication we never get to the root cause of the disease. What are some natural remedies that you use to keep healthy or that you use to recover when you are feeling ill?
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1 response
• India
24 May 17
I use milk with turmeric during bedtime when fall I'll and it works very well.
24 May 17
Do you mix it together or take the turmeric as a pill? How much do you use?
1 person likes this
• India
25 May 17
@ElegantBug I mix half tea spoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and take it before going to sleep.